
Predominantly white school?

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Today was my first day of school at the new high school i transfered to. Almost everyone is white or asian and the black population is like 2%. The kids all stare at me when I walk down the hall and they whisper and giggle(girls),they ignore me(boys). The asians hang out with each other. There is no place for african americans. Did I mention it was a private school? Im not used to being the minority seeing that my old school was predominantly black and latino. How do you suppose I make friends? Because Im bout to try to pull an Ashley Banks and switch back to public school. I hate this stupid private school bullshit. please give me suggestions




  1. I know I am white, but I definitely know how you feel. I went to Leto, a predominantly black/ latino school. LOVED IT! and then my dad decided he didn't want me to turn ghetto. I transfered to a white school, and hated it. absolutely hated it. I made friends but I had to change the way I dressed and such.

    As for you, instead of wearing "below the" pants, try plaid pants and a polo t-shirt that matches. Don't talk ghetto, talk like you are sophisticated.

    Good Luck, and don't worry, you'll fit in.

  2. k well the girls are prolly just saying dayum hes hot cuz wow those are nice abs! and the guys are just jealous? :P idk um just try and talk to people and eventually you'll find some friends :)

  3. Well, they always do that (point and giggle)to new people just to see what their reaction is gonna be...try to look confident and don't show that you get offended or irritated when they do that,or they're gonna do it all the more.

    Good luck

  4. It must be very difficult for you to feel so out of place.  The best way to make friends is to join groups.  If you like sports, become a member of a team or club.  Or join the schools newspaper etc.  This way people become familiar with you on a smaller scale.    It was just your first day and I'm sure things were hectic and not so much fun.  Just be yourself, and become a part of the school and you should do fine.

  5. its difficult but you just have to overcome this. Maybe they were staring and stuff cuz you were the new kid. I'm sure they didn't mean to. Its just easier to hang out with people you know. I'm sure there's some friendly kids that'll want to talk to you

  6. Maybe YOUR the one with the problem! Why don't you branch out and give those people a chance! You own paraniod thoughts are stopping you from possible meeting some good people!

  7. ohh suxs fur u i go to a school like that but the blacks are excepted so idk wat u can do talk to ur parents nd see if u can transfer bac but first give it a chance it will get better.

    miss randoms got a point mabey they were just whispering about how hot u are

  8. about to pull an Ashley Banks. lol  i saw that one.... anyway, just try to be nice to people because im sure they aren't all prejudice (if any of them are to begin with). if it doesn't work or you just REALLY hate it there, sit down with your parents and tell them you really don't like your school. that you get picked on because of your race.  and tell them you just really hate private school and would like to go back to public school. if none of that works, then by all means, pull an Ashley Banks :P

  9. If you look past your race, then hopefully everyone else will! Don't approach people thinking they're acting differently out because you're black. Just be confident and talk to people!

    If you stop worrying about it it'll be easier to relax and make friends!

  10. Is that your body in the picture?? If it is I can see why they were whispering. The only thing they were talking about is how hot you are! :D

  11. Our school is probably more extreme than yours. 96% are white, 3% (me included) are oriental, 1% are mixed--mostly middle eastern There's perhaps anywhere from 0 to 2 blacks per grade. But all of them are just fine. You have to just look beyond yourself and people will like you... seriously x.x

  12. Aye, I know what you mean. There is only like 2-3% percent blacks in my school. I feel like I don't fit in. But, d**n you just gotta go with the flow and hang out with everybody. People would probably say you are racist for saying or posting a question like this, I don't think you are racist. My school is EXACTLY like that, I just don't fit in!!...There is only bout 3 black people in the whole school.

    Good-Luck, just go wit the flow!

  13. just relax,settle in,mind yourself try joining a club if you like and avoid following stereotypes unless thats really who you are because some people probably are going to stereotype you.

  14. u shuld go to a public skoo u get tha same education for free and u dont have to b miserable

  15. lol well babe miss randoms gotta point you look like a pretty fine boii to me =] haha but... i totally had the same thing go on, my dads in the military so i move a lot and i went from a.z. and the schools there are so diverse and its a lot different than a school like your goin to. anywas i moved to kansas and wow alotta white peeps there. . .it took a lil bit and at first i really stuck out with all the culture i had learn you kno.  but it got better and i made friends... tomorrow just talk to people try and make a joke, smile [look happy] you'll look more inviting...its a great oppurtunity that you got make the best outta it and i'm sure you could get lotsa chicks to talk to you lol you seem pretty cute.... just relax and have a fun time while you can! =] <3

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