i only ever planned one 1st b-day party before and that was my sons. FOUR YEARS AGO! LOL. AND NOW, our little 3 pound, 15 inches long twins are turning one in august. i cant believe it. ones almost walking. was i asleep for the last 10 months.oh gosh. so now...i want to do something special for these miracle babies. i dont know where to start.any unique themes or games you've had or seen at parties? special decor, or just anything really? ideas? tips?? im not rich, but we can afford a pretty nice get together. there bday is aug.16th.and im against havin it at like mcdonalds or b-king.lol. (fam. to lg. to invite everyone) any advice will be taken to heart and taken into concideration. ps. they dont have a "fav" person like dora or elmo yet either.they wont even look at the tv. (odd)