
Preferred seating in church and/or classroom...are you in front, center or back row? Why?

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Preferred seating in church and/or classroom...are you in front, center or back row? Why?




  1. always on the first row but on the corner,near the door (for classrooms). easier for me to leave when i'm bored..

  2. In church I'd prefer sitting at the back, so I can leave the parking lot faster.  In a classroom I'd sit in front (for participation) if I like the subject, and at the center if I don't.

    Then there are people I know who would rather be in front in a classroom, at the back of church, and at the center of attention.

  3. school = front, though was not during the school year

    church = near the front (fronts too scary) :P

  4. I prefer to be in front seat of the church so I can concentrate more on my prayers.  

  5. anywhere i go, i'd take the front row coz of my poor eyesight.  i'm legally blind without my glasses yet i seldom wear them coz of vanity!  don't want to hide those baby blues.  LOL  j/k

  6. in school i sit in front row because i'm small. in church mommy & i sit in last row because i go to the rest room a lot.

  7. front seat for both

    church: so that i wont be distracted

    school: so that i could hear what the teacher is saying. and it gives you the impression that you are very attentive the the lessons. you're excited to learn.

  8. at school, I always sit in front but my instructor always transfers me at the back... I wonder why that

    And in church, I prefer the center, not too obvious, not far enough, not close enough... just okay... you won't be disturbed by people going in and out and you won't be so conscious when your pastor catches your eyes.. one by

  9. when in school, i always sit at the back. that way if i have to go to the bathroom, i can just slip in and out unnoticed and not disrupt the lecture.

    when at church, i like to sit towards the front, i love listening to the choir full on.

  10. In church, I always take a seat in front because I'm easily distracted by late churchgoers who enter the church and shamelessly walk in the middle lane to find a seat. I think that is one annoying act.

    During my high school and college days, I also take a seat in front to hear lectures properly and not to get the instructor's attention easily. Some instructors say they notice more activities of students seated in the middle and back rows than the ones seated in front.  

  11. in the front row...for me to listen to the lessons or sermons

  12. In church, I can seat wherever, as long as I can hear the preach...

    In school, it depends on what kind of subject, if it's Spanish, I would seat at the very back row, if it's Math, I would seat in front...

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