
Preggo? ahh. help. tootootoo young.?

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A couple days ago my boyfriend and i had s*x but I'm pretty sure the condom broke...but we were in the shower i heard you cant get pregnant if your in the shower. soo am i safe cause i cannot be pregnant I'm only 15 and that's not an option. I'm so so so scared. help-pp me pleaseeee! :\ =\.




  1. I cant believe you heard you cant get pregnant in the shower! :O who told you that? Mind you, just to let you know, you can get pregnant if:

    - you stand up after s*x

    - he pulls out before he ejaculates

    - you wash after s*x

    - you go pee after s*x

    So unless you are using birth control you cant get pregnant, having said that no birth control is 100% effective so  you need to take extra pre cautions if you do not want to be pregnant.

    Wait and see if you miss a period then take a test. Just chill out for now, but next time be extra careful you dont want to give yourself unnecessary problems for just that few minutes of 'fun'.

  2. If u are too uneducated to think that u can't get "preggo" in the shower then u proably shouldn't be having s*x.

    And u are just 15 so maybe u should get a hobbie or something


  3. I think maybe you should go talk to your mom or another relative you can trust.   Your family will help you through.   They may be mad at first but they will help you.   Yes you can get pregnant in the shower.   what you heard was a myth and the correct myth is under water.    Either talk to your family or an adult you trust.    

    Also you are 15 years old, you shouldn't be having s*x you are much too young for such adult responsibities.   If you aren't pregnant I hope you think about this before you have s*x again.  Please don't throw away your life

  4. wtf are u doing in the shower at 15 with a boy??

    and yeah u can get pregnant in the shower...  

  5. You can get pregnant and probably are.  You honestly think the water made his s***n not reach your v****a?  Riiiiiiight. And yeah, you can get pregnant at 15 so you might want to take a home pregnancy test.    

  6. yes you can get pregnant in the shower&  if you really thought you couldn't get pregnant in the shower than your too young to be having s*x. You need to educate yourself. Go get a test or your period will or will not come

    good luck

  7. Hunny, if you are young enough to believe the old school pregnancy myths such as 'you can't get pregnant in the shower', then you are too young to be having s*x. You can get pregnant anywhere, any time you have s*x. You could be on the pill, using a condom, on your period AND in the shower and it is STILL possible to get pregnant. THIS is written proof that people should NOT have s*x until you KNOW you can cope with a baby. I'm sorry to have a go at you but I just wish more kids would realise this! I fell pregnant by accident when I was 19 but I was already comfortable in the knowledge that if I had a baby I'd cope and be happy, and I was right. To say 'that's not an option' is plain ridiculous. Sorry hun, but you and your boyfriend made it an option by having s*x. Now you're going to have to deal with the consequences. There is every chance you won't be pregnant. But you could be. If it was a couple of days ago you could get to the chemist today and see if you're in time to take the morning after pill, which can be taken within 72 hours, but the longer you leave it the less effective it gets, so there are no promises. You are just going to have to wait a few weeks and take a test, and if it's positive then you'll either become another lousy abortion statistic or you'll have your whole life changed and will have to do some quick maturing. I do wish you the best, and I do feel sorry for you, but by considering yourself adult enough to be having s*x I'm afraid you're now going to have to be adult enough to face the consequences of s*x.

  8. Well after reading what everyone had to say. it didnt change what i wanted to say to you,

    i was 15 when i got prego with my son. thought i was doin git right. on top, brth control, condom, it was my first time, and with the guy with the smallest **** in the world. but you will do what you want. there are other things you can do that keeping the baby. you can give it up. many couples want babies. And if it was a few days ago you will not know you are prego until you miss a period.

    Be safe and relax dont stress on it. if you really think you are prego like i did. then you need to find an adult you can trust and talk to them. no matter how are this is you will get through it. baby or no baby. Best wishes and think about everything before you make a life decision you will regret.

  9. you can get pregnant in the shower. you might want  to get a home pregnancy test and think of some other kinds of birth control. talk to your mom. go to planned parent hood. if you are not comfortable talking about s*x with an adult you are too young to be having s*x.

  10. Ok, well first you need to figure out where you are in your cycle- and if you were ovulating that you still can get pregnant in the shower- I am sorry but that is how I conceived my daughter- I am sorry that is probably not what you are wanting to hear. But the only way to know for sure is to take a test when you have your missed period. But again if you are not ovulating that you wont get pregnant- so first figure that out! Oh and if you too young to be a parent than you are too young to HAVE s*x.. sorry..

  11. Not being able to get pregnant because you had s*x in the shower is just a myth. You are just as likely to get pregnant in the shower as anywhere else. If you dont get your period when you are supposed to, then I would take a test. Better keep you legs closed next time!

  12. You can get pregnant in the shower.  I would go to a drug store or call the doctor and ask if the morning after pill is still an option for you this many days after the condom broke.  It can't hurt to ask.  

  13. You can get preggo in the shower. If sperm reaches your lady parts your pregnant. Your too young to have s*x anyways.

  14. Hun- I don't want to sound patronizing or anything...

    But in all honesty, you really shouldn't be having s*x if you aren't educated enough to know how the consequences occur.

    Of course you can get pregnant in the shower!

    Good on you though, for using a condom. Continue with that, you should also think about getting some birth control if you are going to continue being sexually active.

    Educate yourself sweety! I'm not going to tell you what you are doing is wrong, and that your too young- i was 15 when I started having s*x with my boyfriend (regret in now though!). But really, educate yourself on all the diseases that are out there, how pregnancy can occur, how your emotions become involved...

    Be very careful.

    Meanwhile- if (hope that it doesnt) this situation arrises again, perhaps you could get the morning after pill (don't agree with this myself, but each person has the right to choose) the same day, or right after it happens.

    For now, you just have to wait and see- don't worry yourself too much, I'm sure that everything is fine. Wait to see if your period comes, if it doesn't (you just may be stressed out about the whole situation which would delay it) go to a health center and get a test.  

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