This is an extremely difficult situation. A few months ago I found out I was pregnant, I am about 6 months along and 20 yrs old. I didn't end up getting an abortion but I know for a fact I cannot and do not want this child. So I am considering looking into adoption. Today couldn't have possibly gone worse. On top of being laid off from my job today, while I was half way in between telling my mother I was laid off she got a phone call from my seventeen yr old sister telling her she was 3 months pregnant. I haven't told anyone at all about my situation, I am going throught his alone and when I thought I might be able to break the news to my mom this situation with my sister had to happen. My sister will most likely be keeping it. I however, cant possibly hurt my mom any further then she has been, are there any maternity homes, or options I can look into to tell my mom I am moving out maybe. How do I get started in the adoption process. Please, I need support not criticism.