
Pregnancy Advice, Please Help?

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I am 16 years old and have the most amazing boyfriend!! he lives about 45 mins away from me but i am with him all the time and spend time at his house and he spends time at mine, we have been together a long time now and we have been talking about starting a family. I know that we are only 16 and etc.. etc.. i dont need anyone yelling at me i just need advice. If we decided to have the baby i would be able to move in with him and we both have jobs, he has a very good job and there fore we would always have money for the baby. We have thought everything through and it really is something we feel is right for us. But i wouldnt want to feel ashamed of myself and have people hating me over it which is what one of my so called friends has done over me just mentioning about it! I know that me becoming a mum at 16 would be seen as selfish and people be ashamed of me but its my life and i feel it is right. I just wouldnt know how to tell my mum and dad. Please help but do not yell at me i just need advice. I have done nothing wrong.




  1. I'm 16 and pregnant....and my advice is to wait....everything for a baby is really expensive....and being pregnant isn't just growing a baby inside of have to be physically and emotionally ready...and have money!!!!

    you can contact me at if you want more details

  2. you are so dumb.

  3. arent you still in highschool? what are you planning on doing dropping out? or paying for child care...

    You're mom can't make you get an abortion but you are 16, its going to be emotionally hard.

    I'm 18 and my boyfriend and I planned a baby, got pregnant and now he left. You can't count on anybody.

    If you are out of highschool I would say go for it if you feel you are ready : )

  4. Are you sure your ready?

    Im sixteen also, and im 16 weeks pregnant.

    I cant drink anymore or smoke.

    So far its been amazing tho.

    But as soon as i found out i was pregnant

    i wanted to have an abortion immediatly,

    then i changed my mind because of some advice i had gotton.

    Just remember when you have your baby

    you cant go out for fun, and if you do you have

    to bring your baby along.

    are you TRUELY ready for this?

    keep asking yourself that question.

  5. I thought the same thing when i was your age, and i got pregnant at 16. Then i misscarried. I am now 20 with a 13 month old.

    Now that i know what it is like at 20 with a baby, i dont know what i was thinking when i was 16. Hunny, i know this is not something your going to want to hear but just wait a while. You will have to miss out on so much, even now i cant live the life of a normal 20 year old. I have to miss out on things all the time. I cant go out late anymore, i've never even been to a bar and im 20 years old. I couldnt go to my prom, i cant stay out late anymore, and imagine all this is 16.

    I'm sorry hun but i think you should wait a few more years, because once u have a baby, its not about u anymore, its about ur baby. You want a new shirt? cant, your baby needs diapers..see where im going. Its not easy. Please just think about it. Good luck with everything :)

  6. Wow you are a feisty girl !!

    You may want a baby and your bloke may want a baby but does your baby want to be born into a relationship like this ?

    Nobody thinks of the child, its all self, self, self, a baby is not a possession or a thing nor does it make a relationship better.

    It can in fact have the opposite effect and drive a wedge between you both. Of course you are both in love and you have stars in your eyes but the very fact that you selfishly considered having a child out of wedlock just shows you how immature you both are.

    Your baby needs a stable loving home, with two mature parents that can ride the waves of sleepless nights, endless crying, dirty nappies, sickness and runny poo, teething fevers, inoculations, potty training, breast feeding (your b***s will sag to your knees in time) extra fat around your tummy that wont go, stitches in unmentionable places, not to forget the pain of giving birth, oh and dont forget that your partner will still want s*x or will sulk as men can be known to do.

    All your attention will be on the baby and you will probably be washing the babys bottles when he creeps up on you for a little loving.

    You will be unbelievably tired and stressed and your beauty routine will go out the window in place of a quick 5 minute bath and a rub down.

    Think about the baby in all of this, he or she will need 24 hours of love and care. Is this what you want at 16 ?

    Are you mature enough to do it ? I was 29 when I had my son and I could not do it, so good luck thats all I can say.

  7. im not going to yell at you but i am going to tell you the truth about your situation. please dont get mad. =]

    a boyfriend is a boyfriend. not a husband. boyfriends come and go whether you want to believe it right now or not.and as wonderful as he is he probably will not be there the rest of your life. at 16 i thought i was spending the rest of my life with Matt<33. it just so happened i am spending the rest of my life with Micky<33. i am only 19 and i am pregnant. but i am also married. if you're afraid of being ashamed or having people hate you you're a little too selfish to be thinking about a baby anyways. you're not supposed to be ashamed of pregnancy. its a beautiful thing. and as far as people hating you you shouldnt care what people think. and if you would be afraid to tell your parents theres another reason why not go get pregnant. i think you should wait until you are married and out of your parents house before you get pregnant. babys are cute and fun to play with. but live your life before you have a baby. 22 or 23 not 16. i mean i didn't really get to live but at least i had a life partner before i got pregnant. be careful and keep my updated. please =]

  8. I don't care if HE has a good job. Get a good job yourself. 80% of teenage mothers are single, and there's a good reason for that: Teenagers don't know what they're doing. All teenagers, not just you. When I was a teenager I didn't know what I was doing. I still don't now, but I have the sense to not make major life decisions like have a baby and get married.

    It's selfish because of the statistics. Not all teenage parents are bad parents. That's not what people say. But you're bringing a child into the world and automatically giving it the short end of the stick. If you have a child later in life, they're more likely to go to college and get a good and secure job. I'm not passing judgement on you, I'm just giving you the facts.

    Also, go to university. Not for your future child, but for yourself. It'll lead to a much better life for yourself and future children.

    No one can make you have an abortion. It's impossible. Even if they make an appointment and drag you to the clinic, the doctor asks if you're doing it out of your own free will. All you need to say is "no' and they won't perfom one.

    I know there are going to be a ton of people screaming 'abortion is murder!" but it simply isn't. You have your own views on abortion, and I respect that, but those people are ignoring the scientific facts about abortion, are uneducated on the subject, and don't respect other people's beliefs.

  9. K I'm 21 and having my first baby with my Bf he is also 21 we Both have Good jobs I'm a attorney Assistant

    and it is Extremely hard I'm only 4 months pregant and I'm always Tired and Moody I cant control it Its the Hormones My Bf is trying to save $ for a House but other things seem to get in the way like they Broke into his car They been having rainy days at work even do we both make Good Money is soo hard so you too should Proubly be Prepare Trust Me its not easy..

    Good luck sweety wait I wish I would of.


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