
Pregnancy - Dental Work

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Hi all, last week I was eating some scrumptious peanut brittle when my tooth felt like it cracked, I checked it and brushed it and it seemed ok, however yesterday half of the tooth fell out, the nerve is not exposed but now I only have half a tooth. I need to go to the dentist but I have a few questions.

1. I have just found out I am pregnany, is it safe to go and have the numbing needle that they give you?

2. My mother just told me that when your pregnant you don't have to pay for your dental work is this correct?

3. Can you have filings when pregnant?

Any answers would be greatly appreciated, thank you :-)




  1.   It is safe to have fillings done when pregnant however you need to get a medical clearence by your OBSGYN.  the dentist will be using a special kind of anesthesia that does not contain epinephrine that does not affect the baby in any way.  However most dentists will hold off of any type of dental treatment unless it is an absolute emmergency. you should get at least 2 cleanings however while pregnant.  Hormones can mess up your gums.

    DENTAL WORK IS NOT COVERED for pregnant women. you are considered a patient just like anyone else.   It is not a public service so it makes no difference if you  are or are not pregnant.

  2. If your tooth was a problem you wouldn't have time to answer questions.

  3. When you are pregnant, dental work is free. You will get a maternity exempion certificate to be handed in to your doctor's surgery or place of healthcare (where i stay it's like this anyway), so prescriptions and dental work are free.

    as for what you can get done when pregnant, i would just tell the dentist you are pregnant and he will advise you on what is not safe and what is.  

  4. It is perfectly safe to go to the dentist when pregnant just inform them when in the surgery, I've had fillings done while I was pregnant and yes you get free dental treatment while pregnant and for the first 12months of your childs life due to problems that can occur while pregnant.  

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