
Pregnancy/PMS symptoms???

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How can you tell (or can you) the diffrence between early pregnancy or PMS symptoms?? I'm due for my period tomorrow (14DPO) and I am experiencing tender nipples and abdominal cramps. It feels like it could be PMS, but is there a chance with those symptoms that it could be pregnancy??




  1. Oftentimes you can't. They are usually the same whether you are pregnant or PMSing. The only definitive answer is to take a pregnancy test, which is why I'm so confused why almost every teenage girl asks if she is pregnant here when you can't really know without a pregnancy test.

  2. I had the samething earlier this month. I also thought it was just my period, But I decided to take a test anyway. 8DPO I got a positive test !!  Signs of early pregnancy include cramping, tender b*****s, frequent urination, tiredness, and later on you may have nausea. But every women is different. I would say if your to excited to wait try taking a test, Or just wait and see if your period starts tomorrow, But the symptoms you have deffinetly could be pregnancy symptoms but they could also be PMS. Good luck!!!

  3. The symptoms are so similar is so hard to tell.  the only way to know is do a test,

    lots get cramps while pregnant

    best of luck

  4. I have had lower back pain, headaches, cramps, dizziness, I'm more tired then usual and just an all over feeling of pregnancy for almost two weeks now and I don't get my AF or 3 more days. How long have you had symptoms for? I have never felt like this for two weeks before AF so here's to hoping!!! GOOD LUCK AND BABY DUST!!!!

  5. Yes, it's deffinately possible. Pregnancy symptoms tend to closely mimmick PMS symptoms, and it's virtually impossible to differentiate between them. I realize how hard the two week wait is, but luckily for you it ends tomorrow and a HPT should display "positive" results if you are indeed pregnant, which I'm hoping you are!

    You can't really tell the difference between early pregnancy symptoms and PMS. I wish you could! You could possibly take a First Response or early pregnancy test and it may be positive today, but if it isn't don't lose hope as your hormone levels might not yet be elevated. Good luck, please keep us updated ! Baby dust to you and to all !! :)

  6. You can't! PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are caused by the same thing, a rise in progesterone. Often times early preg signs mimic PMS...

    I hope you miss your period and get your BFP! let us know!

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