
Pregnancy Pill Question?

by  |  earlier

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Ok--please no rude comments--I seriously need help. My girlfriend and I are underage, and she may be pregnant. She is just under 2 months in, and she can get some abortion pills. We cannot get access to a test, and I was wondering if she wasn't pregnant, and she took the pills, could it harm her? We are in love and perfect for each other, but we just aren't ready for a baby, so please, don't leave rude comments, I seriously need help.




  1. If she hasnt had a period for 2 months then yes she is pregnant. I dont know how you think you can just get an abortion pill, if you are thinking about the morning after pill then thats not going to work because you can only use that 72 hours after conception. In order to get an abortion pill you need to see a doctor which you have to have a parent present if you are underage, The doctor isnt going to give her an abortion pill until shetakes a blood test to prove it. There are better options then an abortion, ADOPTION! sounds great.  

  2. you know how mean that is? You could have just killed the next president, or someone who could have created world peace! Do you have a heart? I don't mean to be rude but that is so sad!

  3. You do need help.  YOU NEED TO GROW UP AND BE PARENTS.  This poor child doesn't deserve you idiots to murder him/her.  If you aren'ty ready to have a baby, you don't need to be having s*x.  As for abortion pills, first off, you don't just take some pills and the baby goes away.  You have to go to an abortion clinic.  So how the h**l can you do that but you can't go to a drug store and get a test?  You need help, you need to be EDUCATED.


    Please go there or find another clinic near you. Not quite sure how you have access to "abortion pills" but not a pregnancy test....

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