
Pregnancy Question? 10 points Best Answer

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Me and my fiance have been trying to get pregnant for about 3 months now and I think I might be.

My period was supposed to start today and it didn't. I've been feeling a little bit sick and I have to pee a lot more than usual. I took a test about a week ago and it said not pregnant, but I'm thinking that might have been too soon.

So, do you think I'm pregnant?

And should I wait another few days to take another test, or should I take one in the morning tomorrow?

Thanks guys.

I will chose a best answer.





  1. how exciting for you if you are, congratulations, however i would wait a couple of days before doing another test, and believe me if you really think you are then there is a strong chance you are, just in-case stay calm and do another test on tues.

    good luck  

  2. a week ago was too early to test!!! it's possible that you're pregnant, i'm sure you know those are signs. you can probably test w/ the morning's first pee, and get a positive if you're pregnant. if it comes up negative, just wait another week, and if it doesn't come, then test again. i tested neg 3 days before my missed period, and tested the day after my missed period and got a positive. good luck, and baby dust!!!!

  3. difficult one as you may well be subconsciously feeling the well known symptoms because you so want to be pregnant how are your b***s??  this was a sure sign for me as they felt as if they were going to explode out my bra!  however we are all different......  

    I would wait a few more days, ..... if you can!  all the best for you two!  try and relax if you can as its very very early days .... and it might not show up for a few days.  my doctor did a test which was negative and my home one was positive!  

  4. Last week was too early to test. You can test today and get a more accurate result.  I  took a pregnancy test the day of my missed period with both pregnancies and they came out positive.

    Good luck!  You may have gotten your wish! :)

    If so let me be the first to say Congratualions

  5. If your period was due to start today . . . then a week ago was definitely too soon!  There was no time for implantation to have occured and your hormone level to rise to a detectable level.

    I would definitely test in the morning!  If it is still negative and no period, then test again in a few days or call the doctor for a blood test.

    Good luck and loads of baby dust!

  6. Whether you are pregnant or not, you need to get it at least 2-3 more weeks to even try to test again. Meanwhile, try not to think about it too much because if you do, it will stress out your body and it will make you think you are pregnant, even if you aren't! (Doesn't the woman's body work just oh-so-wonderful? LOL) Finally, when you do decide to test again, just do it.. And make sure you don't drink any kind of fluid to help you pee because that will make it harder for the test to figure it all out. Anyways, if you aren't pregnant after all this, just give it some time- it will happen when it's supposed to. Don't rush, and just enjoy life because after you have a little one - thinking about what you want to do on Saturday night doesn't fall into the plans. LOL

    Good Luck =]

  7. You could be! Last week was too soon to test. A test tomorrow could be accurate, but if it comes out negative, then take one in about a week.

    Good luck!!! :)

  8. Yes, last week might have been too soon.  It is very possible, and if you are like me...I am very impatient, and especially waiting for news like that.  I would get one of those HPT tests with 2 of them in the box. Take one tonight, and then if it's negative, take one tomorrow morning.  If it still turns up negative, make a doctors apt, and have them do a blood test.  You might now be that far along, and a urine test may not be able to pick up the hormone yet.  I hope you get the result you want!! +  Keep us posted let us know how it turns out!

  9. there is a good possibility you are but you might have to wait. maybe the reason it didnt come out positive before is because implantation didnt take place and if it did you still have to wait 3 to4 days to test for the pregnancy hormone to be strong enough you can test tomorrow and if you still get neg sign try in a few days. good luck lots of baby dust!

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