
Pregnancy Signs (Day 24), HCG 0.1 - Confused?

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We are TTC. I normally have a 28 or 29 day cycle that's always regular. Ovulated on 8/12 (Day 14). Started breast tenderness & swelling around 8/15, HUGE aversion to smells, some food cravings, nausea, exhausted (naps needed in late afternoons), INTENSE cramping on 8/19 (7 DPO) on right side near ovary and into area around belly button. Cramping similar to period for the past few days. Low back pain, headaches, frequent urination also.

Yesterday (9 DPO) my dr. did a HCG test. The nurse just called and said it was negative - the # was 0.1 only.

Could I still be pregnant? Is there a chance that the HCG would be that low on 10 DPO? I'm not due for my period until 8/27.

Also, I can't think of any other reason for these symptoms - I don't feel sick otherwise.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.




  1. It is WAY TOO EARLY for a pregnancy to be the direct cause for all these "signs".  Breast Tenderness 1 dpo?   At that point, your body doesn't have a clue if you've concieved or not.  Until the embryo implants in the womb, there is almost not signal the embryo gives to even let your body know it's pregnant.

    And not you have the hcg results.  If these "symptoms" were being caused by a pregnancy, the hcg numbers would be higher.

    With an hcg blood test showing a level of practically zero at day 24, the only hope you have of being pregnant this month is if you ovulated later than you think you did.  Otherwise, if you ovulated on time and concieved, there should be at least a tiny bit of hcg in your system.  But a value of 0.1 isn't even a "tiny bit", because the average woman not even TTC that were to get a blood test would more likely get back a number closer to 1.0.

  2. A blood test at 9 days DPO can be surprisingly accurate.  0.1 is not a promising result.  I work in an IVF clinic and am well used to working with women who are within days of conception.

    Seriously, if you ovulated on Aug 12 and started experiencing "symptoms" just 3 days later then I'm sorry to sound so harsh but my dear, it's IMPOSSIBLE this would be attributable to a pregnancy.  

    If you are TTC you'd be aware that after fertilization, it takes an egg up to 10 days to implant and start interacting with the mother's body.  

    You should also be aware that PMS and early pregnancy symptoms are caused by the same thing - progesterone.  After ovulation, progesterone starts to build in case conception has ocurred and the body starts acting as if it has conceived.  

    If conception HAS occurred then the hCG that is circulating tells the corpus luteum on your ovary to keep producing progesterone, the levels keep on rising and the symptoms persist and become more intense.

    If conception has NOT happened, and there is no or very little hCG circulating, the corpus luerum dies, progesterone levels drop sharply and your period starts.  The symptoms then vanish.

    Women who are TTC or are fearful of being pregnant become hyper-sensitive about their bodies, and devote a substantial amount of attention to looking for pregnancy symptoms that may well have always been there, largely unnoticed.  

    Statistically some will, of course, turn out to be pregnant and so will say "ha! I told you so!" but they fail to acknowledge the other 80% of women who reported similar symptoms who turned out not to be pregnant.

    It's very, very early days yet.  Keep trying - but just relax a bit.

  3. Possibly tested too early.  Too be honest, i do think these symptons are in your head because this is how you want to be feeling.  It would be too early to be feeling like that

  4. .1 would be considered negative.  According to this great website I found at 10 DPO the median HCG is 13.  The lowest every recorded in a viable pregnancy was 3.

    But it could be that the cramping you had was actually ovulation.  It's sounds similar to the pain I have for ovulation.  

    But it could be a UTI or kidney infection if you are having frequent urination and cramping.  At 10 DPO you shouldn't really be having pregnancy symptoms.  Frequent urination starts around week 4-5 when your kidneys start working overtime one the increased level of blood you have.

    So the answer is possibly but probably not.  If you are then you are not 10 dpo.

  5. their in your head

    you cant have pregnancy signs before implantation

    the day after ovulation occurred is way too soon for signs

    all in your head your not pregnant

  6. I think it is very possible that it is too early. You might have a late implanter. I know with my daughter, who is now 4 years old, that I did not test positive until 3 weeks after my period was due, so about 7 weeks. Everyone is different, I would wait a few days and test again. I am currently 7 weeks and had that same pain near my ovaries before I found out. Also, with this pregnancy I found out at 8 every pregnancy is different. Good Luck Hun!

  7. I am basically in the same boat.  It can take a week for the embryo to implant and the HCG to begin and symptoms to follow (if you actually conceived on the 17th we are talking 24th or 25th best case scenario for a positive test).  I feel like I am having the same symptoms, but it is really not likely that they are from being pregnant, just from living in your head and hoping and wishing.

    Good Luck to you and Baby Dust!

  8. 3 days after ovulation is a little early for implantation 7-12 days is more average...sometimes as soon as 5-6 days.. SO I wouldn't count the early breast tenderness as a sign that soon. THe cramping you felt at 7 DPO though could be a sign. You could be pregnant, but it could be a little early to test. Even if it is negative...keep your hopes up. Sometimes it takes a LONG time with a regular period. I had 29 day cycles and it took me 9 months...then I miscarried then 2 months after that(3 cycles if you count the bleeding from the miscarriage.) now I am pregnant with a healthy little girl. It was a long 13 months to get a healthy pregnancy...that is including the time I was pregnant with the one I lost. I know it gets very hard and emotional so keep your head up and never stop..even if you think it will never happen. The month I got pregnant the 1st time I tried very hard to get pregnant that month. It was my last official month of trying. When it came out time to test and a few days of -'s I was so sad. But turned out I was pregnant. So it will happen. 0.1 is very low and they count anything less than 5 as not pregnant...but give it a few usually takes a few days for it to be totally implanted to make enough hormones. So there is still a chance for you. Baby dust to you though.  

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