
Pregnancy With Implanon In Arm?

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About 5 months ago I had Implanon put into my arm,

Ever since then I have had light bleeding for about 4 of the months,

And that is the only side effect I have ever experienced.

However, for the past week or so I have been feeling very odd and not like myself.

Some examples would be:

- Extreme tiredness

- Wont eat particular food (To the point where I want to vomit)

- Going to the bathroom abit more then usual

- Mood swings

- At times I will not stop eating, I spend the whole day eating

- And sometimes I have felt abit light headed

I was just curious to know whether there is ANY possible chance of pregnancy?





  1. defo! you should take a preg test first thing in the morning.. all your symtoms sound like pregnancy, are your b***s tender? I have the implanon and know that it isnt 100%, I know someone who is due in a week who fell pregnant with the implanon in her arm for 6 months..  nothing is 100 percent ! let me know what the outcome is, curious..

    and best of luck  

  2. There's always a chance you're pregnant, BUT!!!! it's less than 1 pregnancy in 100 women in the first year.  This is an improvement over "the pill".  

    Sadly, the bleeding or spotting you're experiencing is expected. Your side effects are expected and should become less noticeable as your body adjusts to this contraceptive, even the nausea and vomiting.  Many women have the same concerns.  

    So.. with that said.  Here's my suggestion.  Go to target.  Buy a 3 pack of pregnancy tests and test one out tomorrow morning.  Relax, you're not pregnant, but you have enough to worry about with all of these side effects.  

    If your test is negative drink lots of water and start walking once or twice a day.  Go to bed at a regular hour and wake up at a consistent hour.  All of these activities will help your body regulate your hormones.

    Hang on to.. don't open the other two tests.  You may want them later.  

    If your test is positive (it won't be :)), call your doctor to make an appointment.

  3. There is a chance of pregnancy with all birth control.  Check out that fine print my dear.  The systems you described are common.  You don't even want to know how many types of birth control i've been on. The patch had me feeling pregnant for months so I got off of it.  Two months later i wound up pregnant.  (I wasn't on anything) Talk to your doctor about changing yours.  Now Im on the Marina (IUD) and I love it. 5 Years is what its good for.  

  4. Did you have s*x?  Then you could be pregnant regardless of your method of birth control.  Come on now, you already knew the answer to this one!  If your doctor put you on birth control, it's extremely irresponsible for him/her not to inform you that no birth control comes with a 100% guarantee!  I would sue him/her if you were not informed of this!  Wow, I can't believe you don't know that!

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