
Pregnancy after a miscarriage - please answer if you can?

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I tried posting this in the pregnancy section but no one answered so thought I would seek woman who already had their babies :)

I know that doctor's will suggest waiting a certain period of time (some say 1 cycle, other say 3) However I have heard of women becoming pregnant again immediately following a miscarriage and was hoping to hear of your exeperience regarding this topic so below are a few questions to those who were pregnant before they got their next period.

1) How soon after your miscarriage did you learn you were pregnant again?

2) How did you know for sure that the positive test you got was not leftover hormone from the previous pregnancy?

3) Did you carry to term without complications?

4) Do you regret getting pregnant again so soon after your loss?




  1. 1) I became pregnant about 2-3 weeks after my miscarriage, before my period returned (m/c mid July 06 at 5-6 wks pg, conceived again early Aug 06).  I didn't realize I was pregnant until I started feeling nausea and my b*****s hurt.  I took a pg test the first weekend in September and it came out positive (as did the next 4 I took! lol).  I went to the ob a few days later to get my levels checked and they bought me in about 5 days later to do a ultrasound to date the pregnancy.  I was 7 weeks along.  

    2) I knew because after miscarrying, my hcg levels were checked by blood draw until they went down to 0.  

    3) Yes, my son is now 15 months.  I did have bleeding in the first trimester, but it was supposedly due to a low lying placenta.

    4) Not at all.  I'm not going to lie and say my pregnancy was worry free, because Lord knows it wasn't, but I truly believe that the earlier miscarriage made me appreciate my little boy all the more.  

  2. I got pregnant immediately after my first miscarriage--not necessarily intentionally. Once my cycle started again, it happened. I've heard this easily and commonly occurs. I can't remember how I knew to go get tested for pregnancy--it was very many years ago. Unfortunately for me, that second pregnancy also ended in miscarriage. I became very emotionally ill after that--but that was in relation to other life stressors that have long been resolved now.  In relation to Q #4 then, I would say that a woman should feel emotionally strong and be in a supportive environment and relationship before getting pregnant again too soon after a loss.

    In any case, I knew of many woman (family included) who, determined to carry a pregnancy to term, just continued to try despite having miscarriages (even repeat miscarriages).

    Good luck to you.

  3. After my first daughter was born I had three miscarriages.  I had waited 3 months in between before we tried to conceive again and still another miscarriage.  After the third miscarriage I gave up and didn't consider trying again then 2 months later I was pregnant again.  I think I was about 5 weeks when everything made me sick so I went to the doctor.  I did have a pretty uneventful pregnancy up until 32 weeks when I started going into labor.  I had my daughter 4 weeks early, she was perfect and healthy and never once have I regretted it.  When she was 2 we tried again and another miscarriage tried again right after and son was born 7 months later, two months early but happy, healthy etc.  Due to all the miscarriages and two preterm deliveries my doctor advised me getting my tubes tied after son so I did and low and behold back in June I had my last child a healthy baby boy.

    I went through 4 miscarriages, one of which was 5 months into the pregnancy, I also suffer from MS and high blood pressure but I had healthy kids so have faith it will happen.

  4. 1.- I was pregnant again 3 months later, but it was a surprise pregnancy.

    2.-I knew it was for sure when I went to the doctor and they did an ultrasound at 6 weeks along.  Sure enough, a tiny heart beat :)

    3.-I did carry to term with only one complication.  My daughter tried to come at 30 weeks and I was on bed rest for a while, but she made it.

    4.- I don't regret her for a moment, but I did wish at the time I found out I was pregnant that I had waited a little longer to conceive.  But I'm glad I had her when I did.

  5. My doctor told me it would take my body and spirit six months to heal after the ordeal of a miscarriage. I didn't want to wait but I did, counting the days. I then got pregnant the second month we tried.

    I had a little trouble with spotting but ended carrying to term and delivering a healthy baby boy.

    Don't rush it, you have time.

  6. I had two m/c's before I had my daughter.  After the first m/c it took a year of trying to get pregnant again.  Then again at 8 weeks I m/c (I was 8 weeks along the first time.)  Then we were planning on waiting to try after 3 months (thats what my doctor said.) By the time my second cycle was due, I never got it and found out I was pregnant.  However it took until I was 3 months along just go get a positive.  I knew it was not from the HCG hormones from the m/c since it was a couple months later.  The third pregnancy I carried full term and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.  I however did spot for the first few months while pregnant with her.  I have no regrets about getting pregnant that soon after my second m/c.

  7. My 5th child came along after a miscarriage at 9 weeks.  I learned I was pregnant again about 7-8 weeks after the miscarriage.  I carried her to term, with no complications.  No, I didn't regret getting pregnant so soon after.  She's a wonderful daughter, with her own little girl now.


  8. 1)  3 MONTHS

    2) THEY ARE 100% ACCURATE your hormones drop significantly    after miscarriage

    3)  NO - PREMATURE BABY - each person is different and each pregnancy is different ( you cant tell is you will have complications unless you have health risks)



  9. 1) I became pregnant 5 months after my miscarriage- but I think alot  had to do with the fact that we waited over 2 months before even doing anything!

    2) not applicable

    3) Yes, I went full-term- no complications except I had to have a c-section.

    4.) No- I wanted to be pregnant as soon as possible.

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