
Pregnancy after a miscarriage?...?

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I had a miscarriage earlier this year. I'm not 4 1/2 weeks pregnant and scared out of my mind that it will happen again. Any kind words, stories and/or comments to help get me by this scary time?




  1. I'm sorry about your loss.  I hear about it happening SO much.  It's so sad that miscarriage is such a common thing.  One in four pregnancies end that way!  But just because you had one does not mean that you're destined to miscarry again.  You'll most likely go on and have a healthy baby.  Just take care of yourself like you're supposed to and hang in there until you get to your second trimester.  After that you're chances of miscarrying drop down to almost nothing. Good luck and congrats!!!

  2. I have heard at least 100 stories about women who get pregnant almost immediately after a first trimester miscarriage and had a completely normal pregnancy.  I know personally six people where this was the case, one of which is my mom, and one my first cousin.  Actually, I've never even heard of the opposite senario where anyone had two first trimester miscarriages in a row.  My grandmother had three second trimester miscarriages, in a row.  But in cases such as these there is usually a problem with the mother.  In her case, she had a thyroid problem, and once they corrected that with medication, she had four more normal pregnancies.  You'll be just fine with this one.  In my life experience, if the first one didn't quite make it, the second one is the charm.  It's very hard to interrupt a healthy pregnancy, so don't worry about changing your life.  I hope this helps, God bless both of you.

  3. dont worry bc my mom had 2 miscarriages and then had my bro and then me and besides its normal to have them alot of people do so im just hoping the best 4 u and i hope u have ur baby! good luck!! :)

  4. every miscarriage is different and they can happen for many different purposed.  i had a miscarriage in '06 and i was about 22-23 weeks along.  that was really hard to deal with.  but then i now have a beautiful little boy (who came 4 days late!!!) and i'm preg now with number 2.  i'm almost full-term.  just because u've had one miscarriage doesn't mean you will always have them.  be encouraged.  stress or worrying is not good for your growing baby. :) good luck and God bless this pregnancy!

  5. The best thing you can do right now is occupy your time (movies, scrap-booking, swimming, walking, whatever you enjoy) This worry is completely normal for any woman especially after having a miscarriage. I have had two and believe me my whole first trimester (even at times now) i would check to see if i was bleeding or if my b*****s were still sore. The minute I suspected anything could possibly be wrong i would cringe in fear. So i started doing more things. I read, i wrote, i even logged all of my fears. It really did help. By the way i am 25 weeks pregnant and look back at these times and all i can think about is wow i already loved me baby sooo much that i was worrying like that. Also if you ever feel worried or scared feel free to email me. Ive been in your shoes and know exactly how you are feeling.  

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