
Pregnancy after c-section?

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I just had a c-section a month and 12 days ago. Im not breastfeeding or taking birth control. Ive been cramping and bloating for the past couple of weeks but still no period. Pregnancy tests are negative. Ive taken 2 home tests. Im afraid to go to the doctor because its so soon after i had my c-section. I had a bikini cut c-section. Everything has healed fine.




  1. I'm not sure what your question is.  If you're wondering how long it takes to get your period back- it can take months to return even if you're not breastfeeding.  If the tests came back negative I'd say you weren't pregnant.  Cramping and bloating is to be expected as your uterus shrinks and your hormone levels drop down.

  2. Call your doctor just to confirm, but it will take a bit for your body to get back to "normal". Don't forget, they took your insides and turned them "inside" out for the c-section.

  3. Why are you having s*x with out birth control ?

    You are in charge of your own body.

    Don't put yourself in the situation of literally dying for a child you don't want.

  4. I can't believe you  felt good enough already to s*x...I had vaginal births so of course I was not up for s*x for a long time.  But a c-section and new baby would still make me too exhausted for intimacy of any kind!  Your period is probably late due to the changes going on in your body-you had a baby 6 wks ago.  Did you bleed for a long time after the c-section?  I always did and so my periods were a little off until I got back on BC pills.  If you decide to use birth control then your periods will become more regular after that.

  5. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor, that's what they are there for.

  6. After you have a baby it might take you a little while for you periods to get back to normal. Please don't be afraid to go to the doctor.  That's why they became doctors!

  7. Cramps are to be expected...I had a c-section with my first child (he was born in November 2000) and I was constantly in pain.  You need to go see your doctor...that is what they are there for...something may be wrong, you never know.  Don't be your doctor...good luck!!!

  8. Hun after a section its says about waiting till after your checkup before you have intercourse, But my periods were all messed up after my section and i wasn't breastfeeding either ..i would see your GP because if you are pregnant it can cause problems with stretching the scar because it takes a while to heal of luck

  9. It's really, really unlikely that you'd be pregnant this soon (though not impossible) especially if the tests are negative. You really wouldn't expect for your period to have started again yet. But if you are sexually active again, get on birth control right now.

    If you are pregnant, though, you absolutely MUST go to the doctor and get proper advice. If your uterus ruptures, you both die.

  10. sometimes it takes a couple months to get your period back even if you are not breast feeding.

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