
Pregnancy after miscarriage. ? ?

by  |  earlier

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hi all, so i recently had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago ( i was 5 weeks pregnant and had a natural miscarriage no d&c) . we were pretty much gutted about this and was told to wait 3 months before trying again. however we got a little carried away 3 days ago, .. anyway so im just wondering if its possible to get pregnant so close to a miscarriage. i read that you are more fertile after m/c but others tell me diffrent. Has anyone caught this quick after m/c. Just looking for some information.





  1. i knoe a few people who have..

    i didnt

    but there is hope..

    i would rush things i knoe how it is..

    i miscarried in january and we had been trying but nothing.

    as soon as i stop worrying about it i got pregnant...i just found out i was pregnant the other 9 months later and im pregnant..the weird thing is my baby was due around this time..

    stuff works out the way it suppose to..

    good luck and theres a possibility you could conceive again very soon

  2. Hi, first off i am sorry for your loss.  I know exactly what you are going through.  I had a natural m/c at 5wks, bleed for 2 days just, blighted ovumn.  I tested 2wks after this and was negative, 2wks after this i was testing positive again SO 4wks after my m/c i was indeed testing positive again.  However, this pregnancy also ended in the form of a missed m/c at 12wks, and i only found this out during a scan, i had no m/c symptons at all...    I had no period between both these pregnancies.  If you find you are not pregnant at the minute then i would suggest waiting AT LEASE one cycle, i just wish now i had of followed all advice i was given.  However, if you are indeed pregnant again then i wish you all the best and a healthy pregnancy.

  3. Sorry for your loss.

    There is no compelling "need" to wait for a few months before trying again, and there is no evidence at all to suggest that there is any benefit from doing so.

    The vast majority of women who miscarry do go on to have successful pregnancies.

    Unless there is a specific reason that you miscarried and you need to allow your body to heal for any reason (damaged or incompetent cervix, for example) then after a regular, uncomplicated first trimester miscarriage you can try again as soon as you and your partner feel physically and emotionally ready to do so.

  4. The major reason to really wait three months is to give your body and mind a chance to recover and grieve and all that kind of stuff.

    If you've got pregnant you've got pregnant.  Not much to be done about it now...

    Seek counselling or contact a group like SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Deaths) who can help you...

  5. I had a miscarriage at 19 weeks, and got pregnant again about 10 weeks after that, my doctor was a bit angry but nothing can be done about it.

    I would say because your body hasn't really had a proper chance to heal that if you are pregnant, the doctors and midwives will probably want to keep a closer eye on it.

  6. Hi, i thought i had to answer your question as i feel we all get conflicting advice fro our doctors.

    I had a natural miscarriage at 5 weeks 2 days on the 24th july and was told to only wait one cycle....

    Any way after i was told this i got on the internet and did A LOT of research, and found the reasons for waiting.

    1) to allow your body to heal (at 5 weeks and a natural miscarriage there really isn't much physical healing to do (just like a heavy period)

    2) to heal emotionally (this of course is completley personal nobody can tell you how long it will take you to feel ready again)

    3) to make sure your hormones are back dow to below 1 (mine were at 8 days after)

    4) so the doctors can date the next pregnancy correctly (i didn't really care about this as the baby will come when it comes)

    I also found out (on the NHS website) that there is no evidence that waiting makes you less likely to M/C again and also by not waiting that you are NOT more likely to M/C again.

    So with all this in mind we decided to carry on trying as soon as the bleeding stopped.

    However we were unlucky last month, so we have our fingers crossed for this month.

    hope this helps you, big hugs and lots of baby dust x

  7. hmmm i was wondering that too.  I misscarried yesterday and we are devasated!

    I was 6 weeks and 2 days and still bleeding heavily.

    I am gona keep watch on your question....sorry for your loss, I really do know how you feel!!! =0(

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