
Pregnancy and Suicide.?

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My friend Taylor recently just got pregnant.

But she has been kicked out of her house,

and she is staying at mine.

I feel really bad for her because people everywhere have started calling her Juno,

I've called her Juno for a long time,

but only as a joke,

thats what we do,

I'm Bleaker and shes Juno.

But people are calling her that and i think its starting to bug her.

She's gotten all depressed and weird lately.

We're sharing a room and I read her online Journal,

It said how she was feeling alone and how She's thinking of killing herself, but before she does shes going to be a REAL Juno;

She wants do do thinks like Juno,

She wants to kill herself using a tree and a red sring that looks like licorice etc.

I don't know what to do.

Help please!




  1. STOP CALLING HER JUNO and tell her that when she calls u Bleaker it makes u feel bad inside(so she can know that u feel that way too)

  2. Tell her parents, tell a counselor, tell YOUR parents. GET HER HELP!

    Get her involved in a womens center where they specialize in teen pregnancy! SHE IS NOT ALONE OUT THERE!

    I am praying for her!

  3. 1-800-suicide

    it works.

  4. You tell a grown up or some you trust and let her know that you are her friend and will be by her side no matter what.

  5. You need to tell an adult right away! The fact that she's posted this online and is telling you about it is a cry for help. TELL SOMEONE RIGHT AWAY! Get off the computer and tell them right now, actually.

  6. Juno wasn't a coward enough to kill herself.

    She put up with the torment.  It comes along with the territory.  

    I get mad everytime one of my friends talks about killing himself.  Its one of the most selfish things someone could do.  Does my friendship mean that little to you??

    and the mess of cleaning up after her.

    Tell her how inconsiderate shes being.  she needs to suck it up.  She got pregnant.  she had better at least give her baby up first

    even if shes not religious,, remind her that we are never given more than we can handle

  7. Um... licorice would break before it killed anyone hanging from a tree.

    And I would try to be there for her. Let her know you're there if she needs to talk to you and seek help from a trusted adult who might be able to talk to her and help her with her feelings and her pregnancy. Maybe a teacher or your mom?

  8. get her some help

    tell her everything will be ok

    you will both get through it together!

  9. I think many people who are faced with what they feel is the impossible consider suicide.  You friend is definitely feeling overwhelmed, rejected, and helpless.  It was very good of you and your family to take her in during her time of need.  Which tells me your parents would definitely be people who you could trust with this information.  Your friend needs some help sweetie... and by allowing you access to be able to read her on-line journal she's just begging you for your help.  Please take the next step in letting her know you care and she's not alone by telling your parents, school counselor, her doctor, everyone and anyone who would be in a position to help her.  She's not alone in being a teen Mom... there are resources and others who have or are facing the same issues.  I know it is difficult but she will love you more for it.  Good luck sweetie, and I hope you are able to find the strength and answers your looking for.

  10. you should spend alot of time with her.

    for example watch a movie at home,. play board games, ect.

    do something that will make her laugh and have a good time. Tell her how much u love her, like her as a friend, and say stuff that will make her feel worth still living in this earth. ( DONT BRING UP STUFF FROM SCHOOL) dont say "even though they bug you in school" or whatever. dont look sad, because ur attitude rubs of on her. be happy she's having the baby (even if ur not).  and just be in a happy mood. dont let her stay in bed all day, that will get her more depressed. GOOD luck :)

  11. I think you need to talk to your mum about this. It is a big deal and alot for you to handle, especially when they baby is born.

    I think you need to tell your mum and maybe get your friend some councilling. Also help her to ignore the bullies and carrying on being a good friend. It sounds like your being a great friend so keep up the go work. :D

  12. this story sounds a little too unreal for me.

  13. mmmMmm, wow !

    well, you know in the end they have, and keep

    the baby ?!

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