
Pregnancy and kitty litter?

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I always find visiting my mother in law at her house quite uncomfortable because of her animals. Don't get me wrong I love animals but I do believe you have to make extra effort with house cleaning if they live in the house with you and especially if you are having visitors. She has 3 dogs and 3 cats, they all live in the house, they all sit around the dining table when we eat and she lets her animals l**k our plates clean. There is animal hair all over the house and lounge chairs and we always go home absolutely covered in animal hair. It is not the way I would chose to live but I do respect that it is her house.

The thing I hate the most is that we have to literally share the toilet with the cats, the kitty litter is in the toilet and I find it repulsive & I gag every time I go, the smell is disgusting as it is not cleaned out often. We live away from home at the moment but Christmas will be at her house this year and we are making the trip home to see family. My husband has already tried to talk to her about the kitty litter situation before but she has done nothing about it. My question is that now that I am pregnant do I have a right to insist the kitty litter is removed and be put in a more suitable place like outside while I am visiting or am I being paranoid about the dangers of being exposed to cat faeces while pregnant?




  1. Yes you should i would never go near cat poo while i was pregnant as it can cause all sorts of defects in the baby.  

  2. look, "with kids, we can't kid" (my dad's sentence). if you are (going to be) pregnant, is better you stay away her house. you can damage the baby. don't get paranoid! no! there's a solution. just say for your family: i can't be a christmas with you. i'm pregnant, or something look it.

    that's a time on the woman's life that is a special moment. you need to take care of your belly.

    see ya around!

  3. If they are indoor cats, there really isn't any risk of toxoplasmosis unless your mom lets them hunt in the house or gives them raw meats.

    An unclean litter box is not only harmful to you while pregnant, but also to your mom!

    She needs to clean the cats box or she can get all sorts of mental health problems, demand she cleans it or you'll have to call ASPCA for her and the animals safety.

  4. you must talk to you parents about this, it's extremely dangerous for you to be near the cat faeces and litter while pregnant.

  5. I completely understand.  I've experienced the same situation with my parents.  I think you can insist on what is right for you, or else you will not be able to attend this year.  It may seem a little s****. to them, but you are responsible for your health and the health of your child.  Would you expose your child to something potentially dangerous just because you don't want to step on any toes?  It may not seem nice to other people, but you don't have to answer to them, you answer to yourself, your husband, your child.  It's your family, do what you think is best!

  6. your very right. get hubby to explain what could happen if you get  while pregnant. i think its passed on by contact so don't touch the litter, to be honest i would be more concerned about the animals l*****g plates clean and then not being washed properly.  its gross! baby comes 1st and you are not being paranoid!

  7. What do you mean when you say the kitty litter is in the toilet?

    I'm having a hard time understanding how that's possible.

  8. You have to do what is best for you. And honestly if it makes you that upset then you can use your pregnancy as an excuse.

    However unless you are directly touching the cat litter there is nothing to worry about with yours or the babies health in this situation.

    Smelling it or looking at it will not hurt the baby.

    However like I said if its that bad and she wont do anything about it then use it as an excuse

  9. yes and be very persistant about the issue! you could contract something that could harm your unborn baby! my mother in law has cats and dogs too and i have told her that i will have nothing to do with their "business" whilst i'm in their house. if she doesn't move the kitty litter - get your partner to do it when you arrive and put it back just before you leave. don't let the animals l**k you (i think it's gross when they do anyways) and make sure your partner washes his hands thoroughly before touching you after touching the kitty litter and patting the animals. be firm but fair, it's the only way it's going to work.

    toxoplasmosis is very serious - just jump onto any pregnancy/health website and they will tell you how serious it is.

  10. It's pretty gross the kitty litter is kept in the same room as the toilet!

    But, unfortunately it is her house,and while you do have the right to be repulsed, not a lot of people really go for the "Change my house rules even though you don't live here" thing (That wasn't meant to sound rude!)

    Maybe out of politeness she may remove the kitty litter to a place outside, with some not-so-gentle hints? (i.e leaving What to Expect open on the page that talks about the dangers of kitty litter, on the kitchen table?)

    But, in all reality, one days minimal exposure to the wretched stuff won't harm the baby, as long as your not touching it, or really handling it, you should be fine.

  11. i would say use it to your fullest advantage, if it is nasty to begin with say you aren't endangering you kid because she is filthy

  12. you shouldent be anwhere near cat litter. read this article on it

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