I always find visiting my mother in law at her house quite uncomfortable because of her animals. Don't get me wrong I love animals but I do believe you have to make extra effort with house cleaning if they live in the house with you and especially if you are having visitors. She has 3 dogs and 3 cats, they all live in the house, they all sit around the dining table when we eat and she lets her animals l**k our plates clean. There is animal hair all over the house and lounge chairs and we always go home absolutely covered in animal hair. It is not the way I would chose to live but I do respect that it is her house.
The thing I hate the most is that we have to literally share the toilet with the cats, the kitty litter is in the toilet and I find it repulsive & I gag every time I go, the smell is disgusting as it is not cleaned out often. We live away from home at the moment but Christmas will be at her house this year and we are making the trip home to see family. My husband has already tried to talk to her about the kitty litter situation before but she has done nothing about it. My question is that now that I am pregnant do I have a right to insist the kitty litter is removed and be put in a more suitable place like outside while I am visiting or am I being paranoid about the dangers of being exposed to cat faeces while pregnant?