
Pregnancy and toxoplasmosis?

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I am 9 weeks pregnant and just got offered a job as a vet tech. I really want to take this job and my doctor said i could as long as i was careful around cat p**p because of toxoplasmosis. Does anyone have any experience being pregnant and working in a veterinary hospital?




  1. I would get the test done to see if you haven't already been exposed to it at some point in your life. If you have ever owned a cat, chances are you have. While you are working make sure to use gloves and maybe a mask while changing litter boxes. Also wash your hands each time as well.

  2. One of our vets was pregnant and she worked all the way till her last month. I'd say follow your OB/GYN's advice and go for it. Make sure the vet knows you're pregnant so your duties can be adjusted and they can discuss safety with you. Good luck.

  3. many women work in the vet field while pregnant.  Just be hygeinic.  Also more pregnant wormen contract toxo from raw meat (cysts in the meat) and gardening (contaminated soil) than cats.  Most cats that are infected only shed the oocysts for a few days.  Still obviously in a vet clinic situation you will be around alot of cats--so just follow standard protocols.

  4. I would just be very careful tell the vet. that you are preg. and just stay away from the cat poo and cat litter boxes and you should be just fine. I have a cat and when I was preg. I did this and everything turned out just fine.You could also get tested to see if you have already been exposed to it if so then you should be immune to it. if not then you will need to be careful like I said I got tested and I was not exposed even though I have a cat most of my life.So I was just very careful and washed my hands after petting and playing with my cat.

  5. I was working in one when I was pregnant. My doctor did a titer test that showed I had already been exposed to it so it was no big deal. Ask your Dr about doing one. If not, just be sure to wash your hands often.

  6. Should be Ok as long as you wear Gloves when touching the litter and ALWAYS make sure you scrub you hands afterwards.

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