
Pregnancy cravings and binges?

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what you craved whilst pregnant




  1. I craved soooo many different things when I was pregnant! I craved Olive Garden, BW3's, & Reese Cups! I did crave the smell of Gain detergent as well as Pine Sol! Yeah..crazy!  

  2. I loved baked potatoes from Wendy's. My husband had to run out all the time close to midnight because of it.

    I also craved milk. but i wasnt able to drink it while pregnant. :(

  3. i didnt know what a timtam was so i googled it, you should be completely fine. i craved such wierd things with each one of my pregnancys.

    snickers with pickles-of course at together

    peaches and pepperoni-how gross now

    you will crave things, just give in to them, when will you ever get to indulge this way again

  4. with my first child i craved anything to do with apples (apples themselves, apple pie, apple crisp, apple dumpling, applesauce, etc) i also enjoyed egg salad sandwiches.

    with my second child is was onion rings, blt sandwiches and any orange colored fruit (nectarines, oranges, peaches, etc)

    some of my friends craved odd things such as pickled onions, mints, fried tofu with syrup, bbq fritos dipped in ranch, neopolitan ice cream with french onion dip for sauce. i'm not kidding!!

    after my first child was born the nurse had asked me what i had craved during the pregnancy. i told her, and then she proceeding to tell me that sometimes women will crave things that aren't exactly edible; such as dirt, vapor rub, finger paint, etc.

  5. Mocha frappe's from mcdonalds...and moolatte's so bad...but so good!

  6. what are timtams?

    i have 3 kids and with each of them i craved different chili dishes.

    with the 1st jalapenos with a few nachos under them

    with the 2nd homemade salse extra hot- a bowlful everyday

    with the 3rd roasted green chili on a tortilla with garlic and butter

  7. Nilla Wafers, graham crackers, anything cheese, and pork.... I can eat bacon like no one's business.

  8. I've craved a lot of meat. I was a vegetarian before becoming pregnant (mostly because I think the meat market isn't cared for properly, and organic meat is really expensive). Now I eat hamburgers like they're going out of business. People tell me I probably had a vitamin A or other nutrient deficiency.  I also eat a lot of fruit and milk/cereal. Don't worry about the occasional binge. There have been days I've gone through a gallon of ice cream (especially being summer time).  

  9. Tim tams, mmmmmm yummy! I feel your pain. I have been craving fruit and nut chocolate and  could  easily eat a whole family block in one sitting. Before that it was bananas, the  smell of them would make my mouth water.

  10. I craved crab legs, sushi (the cooked kind), macaroni and cheese, and root beer floats (couldn't have too much because of the caffeine).  

  11. Tomatos, steak, and taco bell chocolate and ice cream. Dont feel guilty, how often do you get to binge and have it be socially acceptable!

    Ugh but coulndt even LOOK at bacon. For months after I had my son I didnt even want to be near the stuff!

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