
Pregnancy dreams?? Anyone else?!?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone else ever had a dream about being pregnant, or even giving birth, or whatever.. and it seemed soooooo real, but then woke up to be disappointed that it was only a dream??

Do u believe these kind of dreams have any significance or meaning? Or is it simply just because our minds are so preoccupied with thoughts of TTC, or being pregnant, etc. that we even DREAM about it?!

I had another dream like that last night for instance, and the baby even had a name & everything! It seems so real but then you wake up and realize that it's not!!




  1. I have had these dreams, they vary from being pregnant w/ the belly seeing actual foot imprints, to others where I was in labor, and lately I have constant recurring dreams where I have a baby girl and didn't know that I was pregnant that seems the reccurring theme as of late baby girl and not a couple of the dreams she even had a name and I could clearly see what she looked like.  

    I'm very conflicted b/c in the past I have had dreams that come to pass and others have dreamed of being pregnant only to find they were pregnant. Others say its just your mind b/c its something you want so bad. I'm not so convinced of this all in the mind thing.

    Just letting you know you're not alone : )

  2. OH, i had a dream about one week ago that i was pregnant (we have been trying for 16 months now) and this was the first time i had actually dreamed of being pregnant, IT WAS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!! but it was also one of the the sad moments... :( I dont know how true dreams are , to tell u the truth it gave me a little hope that it may be a sign that i will soon get pregnant and I trully hope you get pregnant as well, I WISH YOU THE BEST AND MAY WE GET PREGNANT AND SEE OUR DREAMS COME TRUE!!!!!  GOD BLESS!!

  3. I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!

    ive been with my partner for 4 years and lets just say, where really not mature enought to have children, but mostly the week before my period i always have dreams about us having a baby, going through the 9 months in one dream and dreaming about everything from decorating the room to giving is kind of upsetting when you wake up and release your perfect dream ...was a dream! lol..i wonder if it is a sign??...i would like to think it is and our dreams are just telling the future lol.

  4. I experienced this a lot with both pregnancies. I even thought they were so real that one time I woke up crying and my husband couldn't console me for over an hour! I talked to the doc and he said it's caused by "raging hormones",ha ha. It's amazing the things you'll experience when you're pregnant!

  5. Dreams aren't real. It's just a collection of all your thoughts and sights and such during the day, so thinking about wanting to be pregnant would make you dream about it eventually.

    A friend of my boyfriend had a dream of me being pregnant two or so days before I found out I was. It was pretty creepy, but I guess the pregnancy thing came from her wanting it. I don't know how I could've popped into her dream. ha

  6. I had a dream three days before my pregnancy was confirmed. I wasn't' trying at all to get pregnant and I had NO idea I was. I told my boyfriend (who is now my husband) the day after my dream and the next day I went to the emergency room for abominable pain only to find out I was about 1 week (yes 1 week) pregnant. It was so early that an internal ultrasound could not see the egg.fetus/baby in my uterus. They figured I had conceived just days before I went in.

    So yes I truly believe that some women will have dreams about pregnancy and find out they really are expecting!

  7. yes they are real one month before i got pregnant my boss dream that i had a son and he resemble his father and i also dream that i held him even the cloth he had on the hospital, also i dream i was eatting mango ,in trindad if you or any of your friend dream that catching fish or eatting fruits it always come true

  8. Im sure its nothing but hooey superstition but I have a dream book that says if you dream about being pregnant it usually means someone you know is pregnant.  I had a dream I was pregnant and found out one of my good friends was 3 months prego.  I have been ttc for 3 months I wish it was me.  I have read other stories who dreamed they were prego and then got the bfp so you never know.

  9. I've had those dreams and they felt so real. But unfortunately none have come true for me yet. I've heard that dreams are an out of body experience and that's why we react to some of them the way we do. Every dream has a meaning but it's not always predictable. The mind is one STRONG muscle and it can take us through a whirlwind. I know it can be overwhelming for things to seem real but are not. We all question our dreams every now and then so you are not alone.

  10. all normall, its torture sometimes, i dreamt this month would be THE month,,,,,  

  11. Ive had a few of these that i could swear i was holding and could see my son properly but wake up to it not being real these dreams happeing because of wanting something so bad it makes your mind make up dreams to guve you a false feeling they never usually mean anything but that you are thinking about that certain thing way to much.

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