
Pregnancy or PMS symptoms?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my husband are ttc, we have been for about 6 months but this is are first so we are still new at knowing exactally what to look for. My symptoms lately have been...



constantly thirsty for water

swollen b*****s( but no sore)

Emotional (every little thing hits the spot to eaither make me go into a rage or cry)

My last period was July 10th-15th but started 5 days late. Since then we have tried almost every day. And before then the same. Also we have taken 2 tests this month and both negative.So tell me what you think this could be...pregnancy or just a sickness.




  1. I HAD BAD PMS  2 yrs ago and cried on the tub thinking i am never gonna get preggo ,, no period came. now I  have a 15 month old sleeping on the floor ,, she is so pretty, best of luck!! god bless

  2. it could really be either one....the key is in trying to figure out your fertile days (when you ovulate) if you have regular periods, this happens 14 days after the first day of your last period, and your should try around those days, if you have irregular periods talk to your doctor about that, you cana lean more about this and ask questions to doctors online for free try

    good luck!

  3. you can get both those symptoms when pregnant or pms i always get nausea sore b***s cramps tiredness and emotional prior to period my advice would be wait until your period is late then do a test good luck

  4. you could be preg

  5. Ok well I had the same expriences. very tired, I was thirsty but for Milk. Breast was very swollen. but didn't hurt. Emotional haha you can say HI and I cried. haha. but I found out I was pregnant 2 days before my period and I was pregnant. But every women expriences different things when your pregnant and not all women feel the same with the first one to the last one. I was 4 months pregnant and lost the baby at 4th month.. so I expreiences different thing with my 2nd then I did with my first one.... good luck to you. And keep trying and not try so hard. Remember it's in God hands!

  6. i say pms, but you should  do it every other day so your hubby can reproduce his swimmers,

  7. I would get on the ovulation webiste that tells you when your most fertile and see if you had s*x on your days or try a period calculator and it will tell you when to expect your next period.

    I am in the same boat as you right now. My last period started July 5 and me and my hubby had s*x on my most fertile days and right now I am 3 days late on period, cramping, but no period. And I am also having TIREDNESS....THIRSTY and my nipples are sore.

    I would wait a few more days and then test again.

    but i'd say pregnant because i am almost having the exact same symptoms as you!!


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