
Pregnancy ouchies how did you deal threw them?

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Ok so me and my husband have been talking and decided to get pregnant but my thing is that i don't like needles and i don't like pain how did u deal with all that this is gonna be our first




  1. i actually only had blood drawn once when i was first pregnant and then once more with my glucose test.and wont get anymore needles until im in labor...its not that bad....

  2. It comes down to what do you really want???

    A baby


    not being poked by needles.

  3. grin and bare it is all i can say. it is sooooo worth it in the end.

  4. I'm okay with needles I just hate getting IVs because my veins are small like an infants, and they duck when you go for them so I always get my labwork done at the hospital because they do it all day long and I trust them not to turn me into a pin cushion. You will get over the pain of needles. Or get used to it anyhow.  

  5. Oh man, I know exactly how you feel.  I HATE needles.  I hyperventilate and cry hysterically... it's terrible.  I cried so badly once before they'd even put the needle in my arm that I scared the nurse.  He had to have someone else come and draw my blood.  The ONLY time I didn't cry was at my Sugar test and what I did was just not look while the nurse was prepping my arm and the needle.  Maybe you should do that. :)  I haven't given birth yet, but I know it's worth it!!  Good luck!

  6. Put baby in one hand and needles/pain in the other hand. Which one do you want more. My guess would be the baby. I have a fear of needles to. But baby won over twice now. Good luck!!

  7. because you don't have a choice

  8. I don't like them either but I really really want to see my son so I'll go through h**l and high water to meet him. Just think about the beautiful baby you will get when it is over :)

  9. that's a hard one. i hated needles and all. luckily, something good came out of my near fatal car wreck i had a few years before i got preg. i had to have so many surgeries and that really got me over my fears. maybe since pain and needles will be inevitable, this, too can help you get past it all. a friend of mine is on her second child and she was so scared of needles and pain... so what dose that tell ya?  

  10. I dom't like needles either but it's not bad at all i just kept in mind i'm going to be having a daughter and the labor pains  it's bad just dont listen to what others are saying about the pain.. i just had a baby 2 months ago and i listen to people and i got scared i was like i dont want this baby becuase of the pain but once i was in labor. it was nothing. i rather have these pain than cramps no lie. I didn't have any pain meds either not until i had to have my c section. Just keep in mind foce and breath and that your going to be a mommy. One more thing. Do ALOT of walking. i did and i dailted every hour until i had issues

  11. ha ha, trust me, the needles are the least of your worries when it comes to labor pain. ;)  J/K don't want to scare you.

    I HATE needles and have been pregnant 4 times (with my 3rd child now, had a miscarriage) and every time I just hate giving blood for the tests, and the IV's, etc...I don't know, you just have to grit your teeth and tell your phlebotomist that you are very very afraid of needles and to please 'go easy on you.' They usually will have someone who is an 'expert' at dealing with needle-shy people. Don't worry. It will be fine. And it's all so worth it in the end. :)

  12. I don't either sister- but hey if it was seriously as bad as your thinking then no one would have babies ya know. As far as needles you only get a couple tests of blood drawn throughout pregnancy i'd say about 5 or 6 depending on if you have any complications in that case just like 2 or 3 more so its not that bad. And pain- you'll have labor and i mean that's not pretty but there's medicines such as epidural which is needle but hey lets face it when your in that much pain you don't care if you get poked by a needle; especially if that needle is gonna make the pain go away. So i say "GO FOR IT" its so worth it in the long run. Babies are adorable and having a family is worth going through any pain.

    I hope this helps :]

  13. you want a baby and you are scared  of needles well lets be realistic being pregnant is not a walk through the daisies you have9+ months of fatigue bloating cramping and just plain old discomfort and at the peak of everything you have to go through labor and delivery contractions are about the worst thing i have ever felt ok now the flip side i have three children and i'm due 9/12 its worth it all to look at what you created what the human body is capable of bringing into this world to have this little person completely dependent on you to hear the first mama to hear i love you mommy to love and nurture and watch them grow it is amazing i hate needles too but will take a million for one of them i will walk through a pool of needles barefoot is nothing to protect my children so is it worth it YES!!!

  14. OK, let me just tell you I feel the same way, and I have never been pregnant, but think I might be and it scares me think about having a needle in my back or getting blood taken, the best way I have come to think of it is, I want a baby, and I am going to love this baby so I am going to try my best to get over my fear, and my husband has agreed to be with me the whole way. That's all I can tell you. Hope that helps

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