My period has always been every 29 days.
I got my period on July 18th - 22nd.
I had unprotected s*x on July 19th(CD2), and July 26th (CD9).
On July 30th I got the EWCM, which I assumed was for ovulation occuring, which would be 13 days into my cycle.
Then had normal PMS symptoms, except I was producing more saliva... weird i know.
On August 16th I got my period. Right on time. However this period only lasted 3 days. I was just like a normal period, just shorter and slightly less heavy than normal.
The, only 9 days into my cycle i started to have large amounts of EWCM. it doesnt make sense because it usually comes 2 weeks into the cycle, and then 2 weeks after it I get my period. The EWCM lasted about 4 days! usually its only 1 day.
I have recently been feeling veryyyyy tired and very bloated.
could I still be preg even thought I got my period?
Any info would help, and others early preg symptoms. I will take a test soon, i just want to know what other went though or if this makes sense to be possibly pregnant?