
Pregnancy possibility? questions? period?

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My period has always been every 29 days.

I got my period on July 18th - 22nd.

I had unprotected s*x on July 19th(CD2), and July 26th (CD9).

On July 30th I got the EWCM, which I assumed was for ovulation occuring, which would be 13 days into my cycle.

Then had normal PMS symptoms, except I was producing more saliva... weird i know.

On August 16th I got my period. Right on time. However this period only lasted 3 days. I was just like a normal period, just shorter and slightly less heavy than normal.

The, only 9 days into my cycle i started to have large amounts of EWCM. it doesnt make sense because it usually comes 2 weeks into the cycle, and then 2 weeks after it I get my period. The EWCM lasted about 4 days! usually its only 1 day.

I have recently been feeling veryyyyy tired and very bloated.

could I still be preg even thought I got my period?

Any info would help, and others early preg symptoms. I will take a test soon, i just want to know what other went though or if this makes sense to be possibly pregnant?




  1. Unfortunately a woman can experience periods throughout her pregnancy, although it is not common.  It happened to me.  There could be alot of reasons why your cycle is off.  Could be the stress of worrying about the possibility of being pregnant, could be just a change in your body.  Take an EPT to calm your fears - no use worrying until there is something to worry about.  And just remember to always use protection until you are ready for this huge responsibility.  You just can't forget it.  It's really great that you are being responsible.  Good girl!  Take good care!

  2. You know, I never knew that pregnant women could still get their periods until I came to this site and have read about it over and over.  Plus producing more saliva is actually a symptom of pregnancy...not weird at all.  

    As far as other early pregnancy signs....basically it felt like I was getting ready for my period.  I was tired and my b*****s hurt so bad.  Another symptom I had was dizziness, which I just thought was because of this medication I was on at the time I got pregnant.

    You could very well be pregnant.  Good luck on your test!

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