
Pregnancy question, help?

by  |  earlier

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My friend (seriously my friend, not me in disguise) just told me that she had s*x one week ago for the first time, and then again yesterday.

They used a condom both times.

But her period is like a week late, she says, and although maybe it's just her being paranoid, she's got food cravings, is peeing more often, random stomach crampings, etc.

Could she be pregnant?

I think the chances are slim, but if she is pregnant, would those symptoms being showing so early?




  1. Considering that her first sexual encounter one week ago and that it would take 2-3 days for the sperm to reach the egg, then about 2 more to get down the fallopian tubes and into the uterus for implanting... I am fairly certain that she isn't pregnant.

    Food cravings can be from a lack of a nutrient that her body is saying it needs. This can happen anytime. Example: I am 33 with no chance of pregnancy and had a killer craving for lasagna the other day.

    Frequent urination could be a sign of a UTI, more fluid intake, bladder spasms, a sexually transmitted disease and many other things.

    Stomache cramping could be the body prepping for that overdue period, something she ate not agreeing with her, gas and many more.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. Her chances are slim.  

  2. My wife started symptoms with all 6 kids right away. But her fear and apprehension, and I think even her first time tensions, could subdue her cycle a little. In any case, she should get TESTED. She should make sure, all the advise in the world won't give her real answers. Also, if she is underage, there is complete privacy. Find out, and don't be stupid about this, otherwise she could become one of these kids who take horrible measures when it is just too late to take proper care. What ever this means to her

  3. aren't some of those symptoms of PMS anyway?

  4. I think she is just freaked out.

  5. It is common when you lose your virginity to have your period cycle change.  Symptoms of pregnancy typically don't show till after the first month.  Tell your friend to slow it down until her period comes.  She is sooooo smart and should be commended for using protection.    

  6. when you hav s*x for the first time it usually is lae because it is somethign that never happened before.. she is just worried and that is also normal!!! if it was protected there is nothing to worry about!!  

  7. take a test



    spotting in panties


    Nipple Darkening



    Peeing More Often

    Cravings ex pancakes and pickles two food nasty together



    Mood Swings

    Basal Body Temperature

  8. i really don't think she is...when you have s*x for the first time it can throw your body off rhythm, and make you period late

  9. I don't know if the symptoms would show that early. She might just be paranoid and knows what would happen if she was. If you tell yourself you are sick, you'll feel sick. If you tell yourself i'm pregnant, you are going to start feeling that way. Just tell her to relax.  

  10. No shes just paranoid. Her period could be late because shes worring about it soo much.

  11. after a week yes  it takes seven to ten days but she could be missing her period because of stress........take a prego test.........i hope this helps

  12. No, it takes a month to find out and longer than a month for those symptoms.  

  13. totally paranoid..

    she had safe s*x.  

  14. there is always a slim chance she might be but i think its just Paranoia

    she wouldn't have symptoms showing so early its only been a week

  15. I doubt it would show that early. Plus you cant even take a prengnacy test really until after a month or two. Or it wont show. I started to show and i was about a month cause I got pregnant in the beginning of september and I found out the end of october

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