
Pregnancy question?? Please answer?

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My period was July 14-16 and then I didn't get my next one until Aug 11-14....

So If I had unprotected s*x on the 15, could I get pregnant. My periods are off due to a miscarriage on May 29. I wouldn't have any signs now would ???




  1. No you wouldn't have any signs yet so you still could be pregnant. Don't have unprotected s*x if you don't want to be pregnant.  

  2. If you were ovulating on the 15th you could have gotten pregnant.  It isn't likely that you were ovulating the day after, but not every woman ovulates the normal 14 days after her period.  I wouldn't think you would have any signs yet, but you could have some slight cramping due to implantation.

  3. no you couldn't

  4. yeah you could be preggo

  5. there is always a chance of getting pregnant anytime you have s*x so yes you could have. it is just harder to depending on your ovulation schedule. no you probably would not have any signs for another weeks or so

  6. It seems like there was about 28 days give or take a few between your periods, so it seems like you're back on track.  If you are saying you had unprotected s*x on August 15th, you could possibly be pregnant now.  You can really get pregnant anytime of the month, even when you're on your period.  So, it's been a week and a day... you could be pregnant, but I'm not sure you'd have any signs--maybe nausea--but I don't think it would register on a pregnancy test now.

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