
Pregnancy question...??

by  |  earlier

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OK, i think I'm pregnant, i did a test today and it came up negative, but i have loads of symptoms.. i have shooting pains really low down in my abdomen, sore b***s, nausea, need to pee a lot, keep going hot, massive appetite, extreme tiredness, bloated feeling,

i think if i am pregnant i could either be like 7 or 8 weeks pregnant... or i could be as little as 1 - 2 weeks pregnant...

Would i get shooting pains (implantation) as early as 1 to 2 weeks?

My husband just came back after 6 weeks away about 2 weeks ago, n the last time we had s*x before that it was before he went away (about 8 weeks ago) whats happening? i don't know when my period is due as i have just come off the implanon... about a month ago!

is my body playing tricks, i have had sore b***s now for about a week and they also itch quite a lot and seem to be bigger than normal.... like they are swollen...

I dont know when my last period was or even when i'm due cuz when i was on the implanon i didnt have a period at all for like a year....

whats happening... pls help!




  1. sweety its alright

    your body is geting used to the absence of the implalon

    i've got it too at the moment

    and if you are really worried then double check with your GP

    good luck

  2. Do you look like you swallowed a hippo yet?

  3. You should make an appointment with a nurse at your doctors practice. They can give you the answers you need.

  4. same thing happend to me i was really scared cuz i havent got my period in 1 moth and 3weeks and it came so i would just wait.

  5. take the test again or ask your doctor. Another thing is if you use protection its not going to guarantee you that you wont get pregnant!

  6. also sounds like diabetes, go to a doc.

  7. Wait till your period is about a week late before you do another test.This could be your mind and body playing tricks on you,i had a very similar experience 5 weeks ago,it turned out my period was unusually 13 days late when it is normally early.

  8. I don't think you are pregnant.  If you where 7 or 8 weeks you would have a positive test by then.  If it is as early as 1 to 2 weeks you would not have that many symptoms.  My guess is that your body is trying to get back on some sort of regular cycle after being on the implanon.  It may take a few months until your body is back to normal.  Call your doctor and make an appointment.  

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