
Pregnancy right after a miscarriage? ?

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I had a miscarriage on July 21. My husband and I were going to wait one cycle like the Dr. said but I haven't had my period yet (i think I am due in about 6 days) and I am having pregnancy symptoms again. My b*****s hurt, I am going to the bathroom ever 1/2 hour, heartburn, etc. Just like last time I was pregnant. I never had a period after my miscarriage and we weren't trying, but I guess maybe we weren't careful enough. Am I just going to miscarry again if I am pregnant? Has anyone ever gotten pregnant right away after a miscarriage and had a successful, healthy pregnancy?

(I was only 5 weeks, no D&C, probably a chemical pregnancy)




  1. Don't work yourself up with worry. If you are pregnant, just relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Also you should call your doctor. If in fact you are pregnant your doctor can give you progesterone injections to help prevent miscarriage ( You can also get progesterone OTC in the form of cream or vaginal suppositories Be sure to get a positive pregnancy diagnosis prior to starting progesterone as it can give you a false positive pregnancy test) Good luck =)

  2. Sorry for your loss.

    I miscarried on 6th Feb and fell pregnant again without a next period. I am now 26 weeks + and all is great.

    Take a test.

  3. Chances are if you are pregnant that you will successfully carry on through the pregnancy with no problems.  Sometimes after a miscarriage your PMS changes so it could also be a period system.  You are definatly more fertile after being pregnant.  Good luck.

  4. I am sorry about your loss. I know that is painful to go through, both mentally and physically.

    I had two miscarriages and a ectopic pregnancy. After the first, we decided to wait a while. After the second, we also waited about a year (that was our choice). After the ectopic pregnancy, I did not have a D & C, my doctor recommended me waiting at least three months to start trying again. We did not want to wait, but we did not make it a part of of daily lives "waiting for the perfect moment" either. We took a break from ovulations kits, temperature readings, etc and just felt that if it was going to happen for would happen when the time was right. I got pregnant two months after. My son is now 4 years old. After he was born, when he was three months old and still breastfeeding (I was also taking the mini-pill) I got pregnant again! I have a 4 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. 13 months apart!  

  5. Hi, in relation to your Q yes it is possible to get pregnant again straight after m/c.  I had a natural m/c back in April @ 5wks, i only bleed for 2days, i actually conceived again in that same week. Unfortunately this also ended in a missed m/c at 12wks, baby only measured 8wks, no heartbeat...  I think it just depends on your own body, i think that perhaps my body had not healed and repaired itself from the 1st m/c in order to carry the 2nd pregnancy.  There are indeed many people who have gone on to have successful pregnancies following on from m/c and there is no reason why you shouldn't.  Good luck and i hope it all works out for you

  6. Sorry about your miscarriage.  We had two of them, and our doctor told us that it is very common to get pregnant after a miscarriage (the body seems to be ready to be pregnant).  

    We had a miscarriage, and were able to get pregnant again, which also resulted in a miscarriage, but then were able to get pregnant again, and the third time we were successful (our daughter is now three years old).  We didn't find out about how easy it is to get pregnant after a miscarriage until we tried to have our second and it took a lot longer to conceive.

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