
Pregnancy right after a miscarriage?

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I had a miscarriage about a month ago. I am currently ovulating and trying to decide if I should start TTC again before I have had a normal period. I called my doctors office and the nurse said it was my choice. Has anyone here gotten pregnant immediately after a miscarriage? And was the next one a success or did it end in miscarriage as well?




  1. I was always told to wait until you have had 1 normal period before trying to concieve again. i.e start trying the 2nd period after your MC. I have suffered a MC and Ectopic in the last Year and am currently 14 weeks pregnant. I have only ttc 8 cycles and am on my 3rd pregnancy, so i guess it is possible to get pregnant quite quickly. I was 4 months trying to get pregnant the 3rd time, my M/C was 14th Dec and i was ovulation on 29/12 and didn't get pregant that time. My periods were a bit weird afterwards as well. My friend had a MC at 10 weeks and fell pregnant 2 weeks later and had a healthy pregnancy. I had both my losses at 6w4days.

    If it is meant to be then it will happen. Try not to "try for a baby" just have plenty of s*x and think to yourself if it happens then it does, if not there is always next month.

    My friend was with her partner 3 weeks and got pregnant by mistake. It was a complete shock, They got married last september and have been ttc ever since. She still isn't pregnant 12 months later. She is really upset as she got pregnant without trying and now she is desperate for another baby it isn't happening.  I believe i got pregnant as i had gotten a new job and thought to myself we won't try for a baby but if i get pregnant then great. 4 weeks later and i fell pregnant.

    It will happen, and i know how c**p it is going through all the heartache, but your time will come. Good luck x x

  2. I had a m/c in march. We tried right away but it didn't work and have been trying since to become pregnant again with no luck. Good luck.

  3. I had a miscarriage in May and my boyfriend and I are still ttc again. But everyone is different. You may be one of the lucky ones who gets pregnant again right away! Good luck and God Bless.

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