
Pregnancy scare again?

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About 6 months ago I slept with my boyfriend and began experiencing pregnancy symptoms. Following many home pregnancy tests and a test at the clinic, it proved that I was in fact *not* pregnant.

Now I've been experiencing the same symptoms. I've taken two home pregnancy tests and one said negative and one said positive.

Could the same thing as 6 months ago be happening?




  1. There is no such thing as a false positive so if you have had a positive test result then congratulations . . .its a baby!  I would go to the doctors asap and get a blood test done to confirm the pregnancy.  Good luck!

  2. take another hpt. its almost impossible to get a false positive. if the next hpt comes up negative you should go see your doc. they'll probably do a blood test to check your hormone levels!

    good luck!!!

  3. Its best to go to the doctor, he can take samples and get them tested at the hospital if you think you could be in the early stages. False negatives are quite common but false positives are highly unlikely. Try not to worry as there are plenty of organisations who can help you if you need to talk. Good luck with everything x

  4. ya the same thing happened to my friend in high school she took two neg. and one was positive and when she went to the dr. that test also came back positive so just to be safe you need to go to the dr.  

  5. I one has said positive, I would say you are. It is designed to pick up the hormone released when one is pregnant, and so that means it has. False posistives are very rare. False negatives, occasionally. Test now are 99.9% accurate when positive.

  6. Try a digital test and use first morning urine.  If you get a positive or a yes then you are pregnant most likely for sure, if you get no or not pregnant you will need to see your dr for a blood test and this will tell you for sure.  If you dont want to spend more money on a test then just make the appointment with your dr for testing.  PS if you are not pregnant and don't want to be then use protection everytime or get on some form of birth control.  Good luck, hope it works out the way u want it  

  7. Your direct comment:But everyone knows that any kind of protection is never 100% effective.

    Maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be having s*x.

  8. seems that this time is different as you've had one positive test?

  9. False negative happen a lot with HPTs because often not enough pregnancy hormone was in your urine to give a positive result.  False positives are insanely rare so if you have a positive HPT you can be very sure you are pregnant.  Sometimes you will have a "chemical" pregnancy which means you were pregnant for a short amount of time but it was not a viable pregnancy and terminated early which is often the cause of false positives.

    Go to your doctor to confirm and start your prenatal care.  Congrats on your pregnancy!

  10. you have had a positive pregnancy test you are pregnant you can not get false positives your pregnant

  11. nope u r pregnant

  12. id take another test hun.

    its a myth that u cannot get a false and my aunt have had 1. it could be down to a chemical pregnancy, meaning all the factors were there but the egg did not implant, kinda a very early misscarriage, its very common for this 2 happen but rare to discover as many women just have a late period.

    but if i was you id take another test, a good brand and pref in the morning,

    if negative i would wait a few days till ur late for your period (if your not already) these symptoms may be down 2 ur thinking about it 2 much ( i do thisa lot as i am trying 4 a baby and every month i get so called symptoms but im not )

    i would see your gp after being a week late.

    good luck hun x*x

  13. try another test and see if it positive or negative.

    you might not be pregnant unless if you slept with him again.

  14. If a test has come out positive then you are pregnant. False positives are impossible.

  15. There is not a 100% chance you are pregnant, but it's pretty big.

    Go to the clinic and get a pregnancy blood test to find out.

    Ps. To the comment below, you have a vaild point but she did not ask that question. Yes everyone knows contraception is not alwasy 100% effective but everyone also knows that alot of teens have s*x and theres nothing you can do about it.

    I'm just saying..

  16. i have no idea get a doctor :)

  17. looks like you may be prego this time... didn't you learn your lesson last time?   What kind of protection were you using?

    VERY rarely will you get a positive if you aren't pregnant!
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