b*****s are tender, heavy and swollen. Very unusual!!! That only happens to me before my period comes or when I was preg in the past. Period came Aug 18th ended on Aug 22 and my b*****s are getting bigger!!! I've been soooooooo tired lately!! Really tired!! A little nauseous! Had unprotected s*x w/ man on Aug 15th 16th 17th 23rd 24th. Sperm live inside keep in mind. Now I understand the whole ovulation thing. However, I also understand that every woman is different, and anything is possible. I really feel like I may have gotten preg!!!! I already have two children. But each pregnancy is different!!! I'm trying to figure out when we conceived or if we did. If we did that would be great!!!! I also don't get how I can have these symptoms yet the hormone doesn't show up yet??? Could I have ovulated late or something? IDK?? Just wanted some input. Polite input.