
Pregnancy symptoms, or something else?

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Almost 2 weeks ago, I took a pregnancy test and it showed up Positive. I'd taken a few before and after that, and they all came up Negative. The positive result was on an EPT digital test. The rest were different tests, line and Clearblue. I then went to the doctor to get tested, and the urine test came back negative, and the blood test also did. I'm still having back aches, stomach pains, and pressure in my lower stomach. I've been having headaches and have gotten dizzy a few times. Also, every morning I feel nausiated but then it goes away within an hour or so. These symptoms aren't in my head because they keep getting worse! I could barely sleep last night. Plus my back has been killing me! I'm not sure what else this could be. I only got the 1 positive pregnancy test, so im not sure! Could I be pregnant? Or did I possibly have a miscarriage? NO bleeding and NO cramping other than pressure in my lower stomach like I said.

Any suggestions?

Thanks :)




  1. False positives are extremely rare, and blood tests aren't 100% accurate, especially if their qualitative. You want quanttive blood tests because they so you the level of hormones in your body, it's not a yes or no test like the qualitative ones, which test levels like the home tests. If you take another home test or go back to the doctors for another blood test, like i said before a quantitive one, it will prob be poisitve. Also, if they keep coming back negative, talk to your doctor about possibly having a misscarraige....but that's probably not the case!

    Good Luck!!!

  2. well, take it easy and try another test.  I am also prego and I have had two test that were both pos. But now is the fact that I am also getting off and on symptoms sometimes flucuated.  I am more going to the bathroom and sometimes feel nausated without vomiting and soreness of b***s.  I have a dr appt soon because I dont want to have another miscarriage I had one before and want this a good one. I am not stressing over it though just wondering whats going on. i told this is fine but I still have concerns.  My advise to you is try another test in a few days and then get a nother with the dr.  

  3. Sounds very unusual... You should retest with a First Response Pregnancy test and use your 1st pee of the day as this is at its most concentrated which will pick up on the Pregnancy Hormone if you are pregnant!  

    If your symptoms persist then you should go back to your doctor and ask to have a blood test to make sure that you are not pregnant!

    Best Of Luck!

  4. If a blood test came back negative then you are not pregnant or your hormone levels are very low which could mean a miscarriageis in the works, which does cause terrible back pain and even headaches. Sorry and good luck.

  5. take another test. buy a couple of the cheap ones. i bet you will come back positive.  

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