
Pregnancy symtoms 4 last 5 months!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My partner and i decided to try for a baby in march of this year and so i came off the pill which i had been on for about 4 years. my cycle is now usually around 30 days but about a week after my period my nipples swell up really badly i feel sick, tired, and headaches. will it always be like this or will it settle down after i have been off the pill for longer. and how long will it take for me to get pregnant after being on the pill for so long




  1. i wouldn't say that you are pregnant i would just say that your body is trying to get used to not having the effects of the pill. It usually takes about 12 months to conceive after taking the pill.

  2. That can be a tricky answer.  Usually you can get pregnant once you get the hormones are out of your system.  It might also depend on the strength of the pill you were taking.  Talk to your doctor about your symptoms.  There could be another cause.  

  3. It will settle down, it's just the artificial hormones leaving your body.

    Once all the artificial hormones have gone, you should be able to conceive, it usually takes 3-6 months for a woman to get fully back into their normal cycle and up to 12 months to conceive, even if nothing is wrong but everyone is different.

    Good luck x

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