
Pregnancy test, positive or evap..AHHH!?

by Guest21408  |  earlier

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I took a test, a $ store cheapie, because i wasnt really thinking anything would happen, a pink line showed up within a minute or two....small and faint, got bigger as it dried...

could this be an evap?!? are they pink??




  1. you could be pregnant, if theres any line.

    take another test, and if it's positive, go to the doctors to make sure.

  2. I think you should go to a doctor and have a test done there.  Or you could buy an EPT which is a good test, it's reliable.  

  3. in your case i would definetely buy a better brand to double check, like clear blue. an evap line only shows up when u read the test after ten minutes. if it should up right away, then u may be pregnant. re-test now to be sure w a better brand. good luck to u  

  4. The dollar store tests are just as reliable.

    "Surprisingly, cheap tests purchased at dollar stores or on the Internet are often more sensitive and reliable than expensive store brands. HPT's are like soda: very cheap to make, and marked up quite a bit for retail."

    Check out that website - it will tell you a lot about them!

    Personally I took a million tests of a million varieties because I was so shocked! It's unlikely the result is negative.

  5. You're probably prego! But since it was a cheap one I would get a more expensive brand like First Response. There are rarely false positives so if its positive, CONGRATS!


    Dollar store hpt's are JUST the same as ones you get anywhere else. They are just cheaper!! GOOD LUCK! Make a doctors appt.

  7. I had this happen to several friends of mine...some of them turned out to be pregnant, some weren't. I would say that you will worry yourself to death about it until you find out for sure, go to a drug store and get a test that comes with instructions. They usually require 2 lines to be positive, and depending on if you are pregnant, and how much of the pregnancy hormone is in your urine, the positive result could show up within 20-45 seconds. You can get some not so expensive ones at Walgreens. Do this for yourself so you don't have to worry about it. When I found out I was pregnant, the positive showed up in about 20 seconds. The best thing to do is to just get another test and be sure. That way, wether you are or not, you can deal with it.  

  8. I would suggest getting another test and taking if.  If your still puzzled, go to the doctor and have them test you.  

  9. congratulations!!! you're pregnant! But if you want to be really sure, get a more expensive one and do it again!

  10. Trust me if there is ANY sort of line your pregnant. Doesn't matter how dark or light ...or how cheap or expensive your test is! i took 7 before it really hit me, i just didn't feel pregnant, but now i know different. good luck.

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