
Pregnancy test at 3weeks3days if i am pregnant...?

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hey all -

i took a pregnancy test this morning if i am pregnant i would be 3weeks 3 days pregnant - although test came out negative. i have alot of symptoms i had when i was pregnant with my son (tired alot, hungry, sore breats, etc...) with my son i took my pregnancy test @ 4weeks3days was positive within seconds!... is it possible i am taking test too early or just i am not pregant? ... i dont want to hear "well you could be if you all think i really am not" just want to hear the honest truth from you all thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!




  1. If you mean it's been 3weeks/3days since the start of your last period you're doing it to soon. IF you fertilized your egg it's implanting about this time. You get pregnant half way through and your egg(s) implant a week before your period is due. Baby dust. I have to wait til august 11th or 12th before I can test. :-(

  2. I took a pregnancy test at 3 week 2 days and got a faint positive. I would think that a test would be picking up the hormones by now.  But it just might be to early. Try takikng a first response test in a couple of days by then it should pick up the HCG hormone. Good luck !!!

  3. My first question is how soon did you test with your son? Was the first time at 4 weeks? Sometimes there is not enough of the hcg built up in the urine to show positive. Are you using first morning urine? I know these sound like simple questions but you would be surprised!

    If you would rather be sure, then I would just schedule an appointment with your doctor and request a blood test. That would definitely tell you within a few hours whether or not you are!

    I wish you the best of luck!!!!

  4. Take an EPT if it is just a faint positive it is still a positive. Congrats and Baby Dust w/ God's Awsome Blessings. ~+~+~+~+~+~++~++~~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+

  5. Try taking the pregnancy test the first day you know you have missed your period

    - that morning

    good luck!

  6. Even with a negative pregnancy test before missing a period there is still a good chance that you are pregnant. About one-half of pregnant women have a negative HPT pregnancy test on 12 dpo, and one-third of pregnant women test negative on 13 DPO.

    Go ahead a do a pregnancy test as early as you want, just don't expect it to be positive even if you are pregnant. One in 4 pregnant women will not get a positive pregnancy test until the days after they miss a period. That's why most doctors recommend to do a pregnancy test only after you miss your period so you won't be confused by a negative test.

    Pregnancy testing before a missed period can often give you a "false negative" pregnancy test, a pregnancy test that's negative when in fact you are pregnant. The #1 reason for a false negative HPT is testing too early.

    A home pregnancy test (HPT) done 1-2 days before a missed period is positive in only 1 in 2 pregnant women, and even on the day of a missed period 1 in 4 women will have a negative pregnancy test.

    Testing after a missed period will often give you a better answer to you question: "Am I pregnant?".

  7. 3 weeks 3 days is very early to test -- that's really only around 10dpo.  If you read the early pregnancy test instructions, they will tell you that only around 45-50% of women get a positive at 10dpo with an early pregnancy test.  You can keep trying if you're overly anxious, or you can just wait until your period is due and test if it doesn't arrive.

  8. not alot of woman get a pos that early due to hcg levels being to low, i would do another test in 3 days time, or you could be like your 1st pregnancy and not test pos till after missed period, as you must know it could go either way with the symptoms you have, could be pregnant or pms, hope you get the answer you want

  9. It is still too early to expect an accurate result. You technically haven't missed your period yet!! I know its difficult but try and wait three more days and test again. If thats negative wait another three days and test. Good Luck!

  10. i would recommend you go see your obgyn. however it does sound like you're pregnant. congrats if you are!! god bless

  11. That is you taking the test to early.

    I missed my period a week ago on Friday and it took another week to show a positive a blood test would be more accurate

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