
Pregnancy test for $1.00 @ dollar store. Anyone taken them?

by  |  earlier

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I took like 5 and they all came back negative. Im trying to conceive and im getting fustrated. Starting to think my other half is shooting blanks.

I know my ovulation cycle and I know Im fertile and can conceive.

Has anyone ever taken prego test that were from the dollar store that came up neg. but was really positive?

I have one more going to try one more week, if its neg. im going to get a e.p.t. or a name brand one to c if thats the reason...ugh.sheesh.




  1. I've taken them...

    I took it with my first, second and third and didn't believe the results, so I went to buy the name brand 2 pack and all came out the same!

    Believe me they work!

    Try more s*x GOOD LUCK!

  2. The dollar store brand works just as good as the expensive ones from the drugstore.  

    Sounds like you are not pregnant.  When the time is right, it will happen.  

    I am also very fertile, and have had a child.  I have been unprotected for nine months now without a pregnancy!  Its all about timing . . .

  3. a better brand

  4. i wouldnt know about the 1.00$ ones....but basically the others are over priced. its not a complicated product to make actually. So they are making alot of money off it. probably not the best out there, but i would say it could have quiet a bit of accuracy.

    I've taken e.p.t and i couldnt read the darn thing i couldnt tell what it said. i took First Response and that one is super easy to read. I wasnt trying to concieve, im only to get that negative was alife saver for me (E.P.T had me scared since i couldnt tell)

  5. they work just as good as the name brand tests.....

  6. alright so don't judge me but I did work at a bank that was next door to a "dollar store" before my "dollar store" pregnancy test came back POSITIVE :OP Now I stay at home with my precious baby they worked for me.

  7. I have and it said neg and it was neg.  

    I've never taken a test that has said pos and has been pos (thank god+

    good for you though.    

    I guess just don't under estimate them I've taken a lot in my day.

    Brands have nothing to do with anything, if you are curious go the doc.

  8. im not a girl but 1.00$ test seems kinda inaccurate to me

  9. i have taken 2 from there they all work the same all your paying for is a name brand. but like they always say you can have a false negative but never a false positive. if you have taken 5 i'd say chances are your not pregnant i wouldn't waste money on the expensive ones.

  10. I took two and they both came back positive. That was the best spent 2 dollars of my life!

  11. i don't think the brand is that much of a difference, honestly.

    you CAN try to go for the name brands, but if you want to be sure you should go to the doctors and get checked there.

    be sure that not everyone comes out positive in the urine tests at the doctors either, i heard the blood tests are more accurate and some people actually only come out positive on the blood tests.  

  12. You can't blame the test...if you got 5 negatives, chances are you're not pregnant. They are supposed to be just fine for testing, just not as sensitive as the more expensive ones, so you're better off waiting until you're at least a few days late to test with one.

  13. OMG! I just got back from the Dollar store and I was going to pick up a pregnancy test:) There's a really helpful list online, and it says EPT isn't a very good test. Here's a link, I ended up buying mine from CVS:)

    Baby dust!!

  14. ugh yea a pregnancy test is a pregnancy test. I took mine when i didnt even know i was pregnant they work prob just not pregnant yet.

  15. ...hum?

  16. i used one from the dollar store and found out with my son... Most are at 50ml hcg sensitivitie.

  17. one a $1 test problemy wont be right and no beacuse im a 12 year old boy lol

  18. Yeah I took the dollar store pregnancy tests with both of my pregnancy and they worked for me with my second pregnancy the dollar store one showed up before my ept test did weird huh?  I would say they work though!!

  19. that's all i used with my first pregnancy and they were always correct. i dont know how far past ovulation you are but maybe your taking them too soon?  if you know when you ovulated then at least wait 14 days (easier said then done, i know!) but if by then you still get a negative just test after you've missed your period and if its still negative try a different test to ease your mind.  good luck and lots of baby dust your way!

  20. I've used them and if I got a BFP I then bought a "more accurate" test from target. Both times they were right for me. Around here where I live there is actually a free pregnancy counseling place that actually uses the tests from there, and they always get results. I haven't had one that neg. and was actually pos. they were always a yes or no for me.

  21. actually the dollar stores pregnancy test are pretty accurate.I say if you have taken 5 already chances are you are not pregnant or you testing to soon.i wouldnt recommen wasting 15 bucks on a ept

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