
Pregnancy test how early can you test ???

by  |  earlier

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how early can you take a pregnancy test i bought some cheap hcg ones me and my partner had s*x 2 weeks ago is it to early to test if i got a blood test done at the doctors would it know if i was pregnant

thanks for answering my question x x




  1. the cheaper they are, the harder it is for them to pick up the HCG levels in your pee (the traces of HCG is what makes the test read +  positive)

    so, you can normally test the day after you miss your period.

    If you have an expensive pregnancy test, it will more easily trace HCG levels- so you can actually test *before* you miss your period.

    If I were you, I'd test 2 or 3 days after you miss your period. good luck~

  2. wait till you are over due on your period.  The home kit will be more than sensitive enough.  Use urine from first thing in the morning as it is more concentrated in hCG, the pregnancy hormone.

    Good luck

  3. See, I tested positive before my period was due on a cheap home pregnancy test, but the blood test showed negative.

    Well, the home test was the right one! Best dollar I ever spent! haha.

    It might still be a little to early to test, for both a cheap test to and blood test to detect your pregnant.

  4. its best to wait till your period is due, then you will get an accurate result, blood tests wont show anything till after your period is late.  

  5. if it was 2 weeks ago then you should be able to get an accurate one done now. It is normally like up to a week before your missed period.

    Hope this helps.

    I dont think a blood test would enable to find out if you were pregnant this early on.

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