
Pregnancy test negative?

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Ok. My husband and i have been trying to get pregnant for a year now and we have miscarried 4 times. Im irregular and usually skip a month and then have my period the next month, but it is the 2nd month and i was late for my period so i took a test and it said negative. Then i took another one and again it was negative. But i feel and look fatter and i am so tired all the time, could i be pregnant or am i just getting my hopes up and thinking it in my head? And what would you do if it were you?




  1. The tests are pretty accurate, and your head can really get in your way when your are trying to get pregnant. I'm assuming you have spoken with your OB/GYN, if not please do so. When a couple is "trying" to get pregnant there is a huge amount of poor advice thrown at you from well meaning friends.

    You don't get a "diagnosis" of pregnancy until the doc hears a heartbeat, but there can be a million other things going on, so give him/her a call in the AM

  2. I knew I was prego when I was only about 1 week along. But my body is like clockwork, and I knew something was different with me.  I took 4 tests! They came up pos. but were very light to read. The Dr. wasn't even sure until I had blood work performed. If I were you I would go have some blood work done just to make sure, unless you want to play the waiting game for another month.

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