
Pregnancy test question ?

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my son is 3 weeks old-- my husband and i had one night of "weakness," and were intimate about 1 1/2 weeks ago. we were NOT real smart about it and did NOT use any type of protection (yeah dumb i know). about 4 or 5 days later i quit bleeding (i wasn't bleeding heavy to begin with). i had tried to breast feed (or rather pump since i didn't have enough milk to feed exclusively), and my milk had all but dried up and in the past 3 or 4 days i have begun to get engorged and have milk again (not much, but about 2 ounces a day). i know early on in pregnancy you don't produce milk, but i was wondering if i ended up pregnant again this soon if it wouldn't influence milk production....

i know if i were to be pregnant again it would be extremely early on, but the severe heartburn i had during my pregnancy went away with delivery, and i have now been getting heartburn a few times a day again (just not as bad as it was during the latter part of my pregnancy)....

i was wondering when i can take a pregnancy test and have it be accurate since i recently had a baby-- how long are the hcg hormones in my urine still after delivery




  1. you could be as you know the first year after giving birth you are extra fertile so you can test after your missed period. no it would not detect your last pregnancy hormones those probably are already out of your body. about your milk if you had any kind of nipple or breast stimulation you could have leaked more.  

  2. I doubt you're pregnant, but even if you took a pregnancy test you may not get an accurate result.  Pregnancy hormones can linger in the body for up to 6 weeks.  

  3. If you had s*x about a week after giving birth it is highly, highly unlikely you would conceive.

    And just supposing you had, it was only 1.5 weeks ago - your body wouldn't even know it was pregnant yet.

    You have just given birth 3 weeks ago, your body is still in post delivery mode and getting settled.   Your hormones are all over the place.

    However if you are worried, just bypass the home pregnancy test see your doctor.

    It is not recommened you have s*x until about 6 weeks after giving birth and this is to allow your cervix to heal.

  4. I can't help but think it's unlikely you ovulated only 10 days after giving birth and some sperm were able to make their way up while you were shedding your locia to find that egg.  I think your hormones are still adjusting from giving birth so you're feeling all sorts of changes.  That's my best guess!

  5. Actually one of the best times to get pregnant is right after you have a baby. I'm not sure how long you have to wait on the test though.

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