
Pregnancy test result?

by Guest59485  |  earlier

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I took a pregnancy test and as soon as I got the test strip wet I replaced the cap and layed it flat on the sink in the bathroom and as soon as my pee ran over the first line, the first line turned purple and then slowly faded a bit and then the 2nd line turned bright purple. So both lines were purple but the 1st line faded out after a few seconds but you could still see a line there but the line was white but a different color white from the rest of the background. Does this mean I am pregnant or was it just the control line showing up? I have never noticed this before when taking pregnancy tests.




  1. thats happened to me before just the way the test works sorry lol but its  BFN lot of baby dust

  2. any 2 lines on a test means positive

    no matter what color- in my docs words

    take another if your not sure-

    I am betting your preggo!


  3. The simple fact is that there is always "something there" that is slightly visible-- it's simply the antibodies on the test that would turn pink in the presence of hCG. When the test becomes wet, or as it dries, or after it dries, the antibody strip may become more visible. Therefore, all tests may have them. It is not a defect; it's just how tests are made.

    A real positive is identified by its color (pink or blue, whatever the color of the test's dye is) and its appearance within 10 minutes of urinating on the stick.  

  4. Sounds Like your pregnant... This happened to me Late last month actually, the first line was bright and second was very faint, but I was indeed pregnant. Unfortunately I miscarried. Good luck and Congrats!!
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