
Pregnancy test <span title="positive-negative-positive?">positive-negative-positiv...</span>

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I took a positive pg test on Monday and Tuesday morning (two days after missed period), then a negative one Wednesday afternoon (my urine may have been very diluted). Then two more positives on both Thursday and this morning (Friday). I haven't started my period (and am certainly bloated), but no others symptoms at that time. Has anyone had a similar experience? I have a doctor's appointment on Monday.




  1. It seems that you are indeed pregnant!

    It is easy to get a false negative (if you test too soon  for example) but a positve result is ony going to appear if you have a high enough level of the HCG hormone in your urine.  You could get a false pos if you were on certain medications or if the tests were expired (That happened to  me! What a bummer!)

    Your neg test could have been due to the diluted urine as you said - depends on what test you used. Certain ones are more sensitive than others.

  2. a positive is a postive ;] good luck

  3. yeah.. sounds like your pregnant.. the negative one may have just not had enough HCG in the urine.. or maybe it was a different test, if so different tests detect different amounts

  4. Yes this happens all the time. I tested a couple days early, but in the afternoon, and got a negative result, when earlier that morning I got a positive. I am 20 weeks now. Good luck!!!  

  5. Your HCG levels are probably still low enough to be effected by how much fluid you drink and how often you pee. Congrats on the pregnancy: )

  6. You can get false negatives, but not false positives... you are pregnant!

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