
Pregnancy turns me on...?

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I am a guy and pregnancy turns me on and I wouldnt mind getting a woman pregnant...but i dont want kids though I would care enough to give up for adoption for a better family and that wrong?




  1. Just have s*x with sum1 who is pregnant!!! Hello!!! Cant knock them up twice

  2. wtf! thats sick...wot if the mother wanted 2 keep the baby!

  3. my fiance likes pregnant women. He thinks they're cute.

    He's just like that though, it's not that weird. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing.

    However, getting someone pregnant to give a child up for adoption, not so normal.

    Just wait until you're ready.

    It makes it better.

  4. yeah, that is wrong!

  5. absolutely wrong

  6. If you don't want a kid, don't get a woman pregnant.

  7. Ummm, pregnancy lasts for 9 months, then what, are you gonna s***w her again!?  Thats just wrong!

  8. of course its wrong

  9. WOW..that's pretty special! You "care enough"? So you're in for the fun but not the work that comes after?..Why am I not surprised? Why not wait til you are married and WANT a family? It's not like getting a puppy you know! You need to be responsible..ugh

    Nothing wrong with adoption, but come on already!  

  10. I have dated a guy who said something similar...

    he resulted in having s*x with pregnant women... mainly single ones... some married... anyone who would let him...

    As much as it filled his sexual desire... there was never any love, because he could never commit to a relationship especially not one with a child involved.

    I wish you the best of luck... and just a note of advice.. be careful with the adoption line... you could get your butt beat saying something like that.

  11. Yes, that is wrong. You can't get a woman knocked up just cause you think she will look hot pregnant.

  12. Yeah that's wrong. Why would you want to get a girl pregnant?  Just so you can see if you have what it takes?  Men are so stupid some times.  

  13. Haha

  14. Chances are if you have to ask if something is "wrong" it's usually wrong.

  15. freak

    thats stupid

  16. only if you have morals, which obviously you don't

  17. stay away from women... and kids for that matter

  18. "I would care enough..."

    haha what?

    Well, nobody can stop you but good luck finding a woman who is going to carry that baby for 40 weeks and then give it away. Then your *ss is stuck paying child support for 18 years!

    Good luck with that!

  19. You sound like a lovely guy.

    Grow up FGS!

  20. creep

  21. Well here is a great suggestion for you, go down and donate your sperm at a sperm bank! I think it would be wrong to get a girl pregnant on purpose only to leave her because you don't want kids!

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