
Pregnant, 34 weeks, why would I bleed after using the bathroom?

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I woke up this morning (no intercourse the night before) and I urinated and wiped and noticed I had quite a bit of bright red blood. I went to the hospital to be checked and they didnt give me a clear answer. They said my cervix was a fingertip thick, but no answer on the bleeding. Also having slight contractions. Could it be a mucous plug or what???




  1. Not sure, but my doc said as you get to the later stages of pregnancy with all the excess blood flow you may get some spotting cause the blood vessels are swollen. Thats why spotting after s*x is common. Maybe if you were straining it broke a little vessel.  I would of course go straight to the hospital as you did, so since they let you come home its probably ok.  

  2. Usually you bleed before and during labor, they call it a bloody show.All it means is that your cervix is getting ready for your baby.Long as you dont start really heavily bleeding it will be okay.I have 4 kids myself.Good Luck!

  3. I think so hun, try laying completely flat for  a while. but honestly it just might be a good sign, I'd say your gonna have that baby in two to three days. I got five so I know a lil

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