
Pregnant, is she or is she not, to early to tell???

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So on tuesday my gf told me she might be pregnant, we never had s*x till may 23rd (my first time ever) twice on may 24th and again on May31st, she said she felt sick almost throwing up everyday, since May29th, She 100%ly hasnt been with anyone, i know it for a fact, Also she has been on the 3 month shot birth controly thingy depo???? for alittle over 3 years and had a abrotion right before she started the shots. we got 3 tests today and they all came back negative, but is it early to be able ot tell if she is or not or am i just over worrying? Plus i asked her if she missed her period and she told me she doesnt know when she has it cuase the shot makes her have no blood at all. An dont get me wrong i still love her and if she is then ill be there for her, but not knowing is killing me, any help would be awesome and thanks for looking!




  1. All you can do is listen to the tests and relax for a while. If it reall y is bugging you and her go to your "family" doctor they can give you other tests.

    She could be scaring herself so much about it that she throws up. Or she could have the flu or early symtoms of....

    Good Luck :]

  2. Throwing up is an early sign of pregnancy.

  3. just go to the doctor and check its easy and a quick way to find out if she is...

  4. Most likely, she's not.  It's highly unlikely she would have been throwing up just 6 or 7 days after conception.  Also, the Depo shot is highly effective (although nothing is 100%), added to the fact that she has had 3 negative tests.  I would say she's not pregnant, but she can always have a blood HCG test to be sure.

  5. You should be good bro but keep on the lookout as well

  6. If she's on the shot then it's pretty unlikely. Maybe she has the flu? From the sounds of it, you guys didn't use protection though. There could have been a fluke. That's always possible. Tell her to go to the doctor. They can tell straight away. And if she's throwing up for a different reason... it's still good to know!

  7. I would say it's too early to tell.  The throwing up is probably just a bug she might have gotten.  If she's on depo, I highly doubt she is pregnant.

    Obviously, you aren't trying to get her pregnant, so you really should be using condoms, even if she is on depo.  It is VERY easy to get a STD and the symptoms don't show up in a lot of men.  Protect yourself.

  8. if shes on the shot right now theres a pretty good chance shes not pregant, but sometimes it just happens.

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