
Pregnant, not, confused! Could my ovulation really be this out of whack?

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Ok so last month I decided not to keep track of my ovulation and everything. I wanted to take a break from trying so hard and just let things happen. Well I never noticed any EWCM when I should have ovulated around the 5th or 6th. We did BD around the week we should have. AF was due on Aug 20th and I haven't had the slightest sign of it. I got a BFN on the 22nd using FMU. I noticed today that I have EWCM. Could that mean I never ovulated before and am now ovulating almost a month later than I should have? I'm so confused!




  1. It's possible you didn't ovulate at all last month and that's why you missed a period.  Or maybe you're just ovulating really really late.  It's hard to tell since you didn't track it last month.  If I were you, I'd take another pregnancy test in the morning just to be sure.  

  2. Its hard to say if you weren't tracking it any other way.

    It is possible that you didn't ovulate until later than you originally though.

    Or, it is also possible that you already ovulated, and are just seeing EWCM for a second time.

    Perhaps it was s***n? Either the first, or second time?

    Either way, get busy! It may be now rather than before!  

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