
Pregnant 12 yr old!!?

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K this is not me!!

But what are the chances of a 1yr old having a baby, and not dying or having SERIOUS conasequence???




  1. Yes, a twelve year old can get pregnant if she has a period.

    AVONMOM you are wrong! If you are not ovulating, then it is physically IMPOSSIBLE to get pregnant!  If, no egg is being released then there is NOTHING for the sperm to fertilize. She had to have had an egg released, hence a period for her to get pregnant.  If she had no period, then there was a slim chance that she would have had her first period, but instead she got pregnant.  This is Biology 101.

  2. a 12yr old you mean?

    well she isnt done growing yet so it could damage her physically, her body isnt mature as yet. death would be a slim chance.

  3. You mean a 12 year old right?   Its awful that any 12 year old should have to go through with a pregnancy, (it would mess up anyone that young)  But anyways, on a technical note, it depends on the size of the 12 year old.  Some of them are large and busty, perfectly capable of carrying a child.  (Others haven't had their first period yet), so you'd have to look at the development of the 12 year old.  But a health professional would be a better judge of that.

  4. Well, during the teen years, a child's body is going through alot of growing and changing, both in hormone levels and physical growth.

    Having a baby takes ALOT of nutrients out of the mother's body, so the young mother is at risk of calcium deficiency's after the birth as well as iron, and other nutritional defeciency's.  

    However with early prenatal care, a good diet, exercise ect.. it is MORE than possible that she would carry the baby to term with both mother and child remaining in good health.

  5. I knew a girl about 20 years ago who got pregnant by her boyfriend ( who was in HS) the spring of her 6th grade year. she had her baby over christmas break of her 7th grade year. I did the math and if the mother stayed in school her daughter would be in kindergarden when the mom was a senior in HS. As far as I know she had no physical problems from the pregnancy and birth. She just happened to concieve BEFORE her first period, so she did not know she was pregnant until like her 5th or 6th month.

  6. if she was able to become pregnant then that's her body's way of telling her that it is ready to carry a child.

    The whole situation might be a little emotionally scarring for a 12 year old girl though

  7. I used to be a specialist midwife for the under 16s. One of my first "clients" was 12. She carried the baby well. Delivery was a bit horrific as she had forceps because when it came to pushing the baby out, she lost the plot and wouldn't cooperate as she was so scared.

    The mother helped her to care for the baby and she continued with her education.

    But... she was raped by a 14 year old boy, so it was not consentual s*x.

    In general, young girls do fairly well if they are healthy themselves. Having a smaller pelvis may conceivably be problematic.

    Child care is often an issue. To begin with it's like having a dolly to dress up and feed. Then the reality kicks in and depression and isolation becomes a problem.

  8. I'm not sure what the percentage would be, but it would be dangerous to have a baby at such a young age because not only is the baby's body growing, the mom's is too!

    Now, that being said, there was a girl in Peru who was 6 years old when she had a baby. (Scary, I know. Go look it up. I didn't believe it at first either.) She did not die, and did not have any major complications, but with a pregnancy like that you would have to be extremely careful.

    Enjoy your youth!! Don't waste it with babies and s*x.

  9. OMG...12 years do they even know about s*x?

  10. shouldnt be any SERIOUS cona-sequences.......HA

    this is our future America----conasequences

  11. humanly impossible.  the baby eggs aren't mature enough to be released.

  12. Okay I think you meant 12 and not 1, but nothing will happen. If they are having a period and had s*x, they can have the bay. If 13/14 year old have them w/o problems, what 1 year? It's sad but yes, they will be okay...
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