
Pregnant 13 yr old!?!?

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My cousin is 13 and pregnant and she hasent told my aunt and oncle

I have tried alot of things to get her to tell them..

What would u tell my cousin to get her to tell her parents???




  1. let her do what she want to it seems like she already has

  2. tell her if she tells her parents  she can have an abortion if it is not to late and she needs to see a docytor there are many health risks involving a pregnancey

  3. its gonna be h**l when they find out and you havent told them yet

  4. Tell her this, "You have to tell your parents. Don't you want your baby to be healthy? And your parents will help you. You have a new child inside of you now, and you need to take care of it by eating the right foods, and doing the right things." Tell her that straight up, to alert her of this decision she has made at a young age. (= Good luck with your cousin!

  5. if she won't tell you tell. then get the guy and ur cousin to talk to ur aunt and uncle.

  6. google it

  7. Well, all you can do is tell her its a good idea to go to the doctor so she can be put on prenatal vitamins if she is planning on keeping the baby.

    She will tell her parents when she is ready, its a little scary.

  8. let her do wat she wants dont get dragged in

  9. if she wants the baby and loves the guy!

    if the guy loves her, he should hav the guts to pologies to her parents and ask his parent to talk about marriage with hers.

    and if not than she should get the baby removed before its too late.

  10. have her get togethhher withh the guyy, and have them tell her parents together, so she's not aloneeeeee.

  11. Tell her that if she wants her baby to be healthy, she will have to tell her parents so they can take her to the doctor. Please tell her this! It's important, for both her and the baby's health!

  12. Yes, the situation must be known.

    I know it is VERY tough for the cousin.

  13. i say tell your parents or your aunt and uncle . and dont get dragged in to the situation

  14. dont get dragged into the situation

    because when she does tell her parents and if they find out you kept it from them they will be uspet with you.

    Just tell her if she wants your support she has ttell them, and if she still dissagrees tell her you are telling them yourself(but dont really do it, because thats mean).

  15. I would go to her parents and tell them. Tell them she is pregnant and trying to hide it from them. She needs prenatal care so that when the baby comes it's healthy.  No reason to make a child suffer because she screwed up.

  16. she needs to tell them

    i love my younger cousin with all my heart but if she didn't tell her parents i would support her but then tell her that she needs medical help so if she didn't tell her parents with in a week after she found out that i would because i care about her health and know the babies health

    she does need help but some times tuff love well help her to tell them herself

    after she tells them or you tell them she needs to talk to the father

  17. she told her oncle

    but what will her uncle say?

    ok dont they teach you anything at school ...not spelling but come on ...blah
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