
Pregnant Cat, Confused Birth? Help Read detail.

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Ok, well heres the problem. A Cat who we've basically adopted has already had one liter of kittens, about 4 and the owners of the Cat who live next door sold them straight away. They dont treat the Cat well, shes left out when its raining, she was skin and bone before we began to feed her. They haven't got her done so she cant get pregnant, We considered calling the RSPCA but we wanted to keep her and not sure if they would let us so we've left it. This Cat is ALWAYS in our house and she doesn't want to go home basically, So shes Pregnant again and we've decided to make a bed for her. Shes been going in their and making a nest like, She went under a chair which was in corner with boxes ontop and the fridge to the side. Its dark there, also theres a old towel under the chair from previously. She came out and her waters had broken we think, it didn't smell like urine so we're pretty sure. Anyway, its been about 6hours approximately since then. We cant see if theres a kitten under the chair, so we're not sure if shes given birth but shes still got the lump/bump like shes pregnant still. Shes been going under the kitchen sink in a box, She wont stop moving and was panting alot. We dont know what to do, We dont know if shes had the kittens or not. Its 03:40Am. I've stayed up with her just encase due to we have a Cat of our own who she fights with, shes upstairs and the other cats downstairs. We keep them seperate, So can anyone explain the proccess or what could be wrong? We dont wana do anything wrong. :(




  1. she sounds like she is doing just fine, it sometimes takes a long time for cats to have all their kittens. my mama cat had her fourth litter last week and it took her all day long to have five kittens. when they are panting they are having labor pains. just be patient and let her do her own thing! lol.  

  2. Relax first of all..labor can take need to find a way to check to see if there are kittens... if shes walking around panting shes getting ready, when she starts l*****g her self a lot..they should be on the way..let nature take its course not touch the kittens unless absolutely one is visably stuck ( WASH HANDS) gET warm washcloth..pull out, open sac..let mom do the rest..

    if it gets past 10 hours, call an emergancy vet..

  3. it defintely sounds like she is in labor. i would move her into a better lit place, like a bedroom or bathroom, and confine her in there so that you know if she is having her kittens or not. check all of the places shes been for kittens, she could drop one anywhere. most likely you will hear them meowing though. just keep an eye on her, a cat takes time to have its babies. make her as comfy as possible. if nothing happens by tomorrow afternoon either call or take her to the vet.  

  4. I would say don't intervene. Cats have been giving birth to kittens since the beginning of their species! Instinct will take over ;) Just let soon-to-be mum do her thing! Besides, if she has had a litter before, she will know what to do. But definately keep your other cat out of the way. Good luck!!

  5. By now....she should have had the kittens...Let us know.  DON'T use a torch!!!!!!!!!!!!  A flashlight would be ok.  I always handled my rescue cats kittens because I helped in their delivery.  But You should handle them with a plastic bag, rubber gloves, on your hands if you move them.  Don't let her out.  I just rescued 3 out of the 4 babies from an abandoned cat and they were near death from starvation and I feed the strays...but, they were too scared to come eat.  We are still trying to catch the mama and last baby to get them fixed in a couple months before we find them new homes.

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