
Pregnant? Clomid, Ovidrel, IUI, now Crinone....15 Dpo?

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Hi girls!

So, today I'm 15 (or maybe14) dpo. I tested 10 & 13 dpo and BFN.

If I remember right, my doctor told me to come in for a test if I should not get my peroid by the 14th, which is today...

But I'm scared to go, because I don't wanna hear that I'm not pregnant


My BBS started to feel heavier about 2 days ago and I'm sleepy all the time. I know these could be side effects from the Crinone, right?

This was my 2nd cycle on Clomid...I'm so scared that it did not work out AGAIN...

Thanx for your answers




  1. I completely sympathies with you. its hard seeing those negative ive been there done it keep your head up do not loose hope. take the test you mite get the answer you want. and if not remember you have always got next month!

    good luck    

  2. Hey!  Go take that blood test girl, then you'll know, one way or the other.  I know it sucks, been there, done that.  My husband and I have been trying for the past 21 months - IT SUX!!  There are so many women out there who are POAS (Pee On A Stick) addicts, but that's so not me.  I'm terrifiedto pee on one for the fear of it saying negative.  

    And yes, those can be side effects from the drugs.  Last month, we did our first IUI - with gonal f, ovidrel and progesterone suppositories - I had different 'symptoms' the entire 2 weeks, only for it to be negative.  BUT, you could still get a BFP - go test!  

    Are you past your usual LP length?  If so, that too is a good sign.

    I say just go for the test, find out, get it over with and stop torturing yourself.  If, by chance, its negative, go out and buy a bottle of wine and some chocolate and drown your sorrows.  If it's a BFP - then come back and tell us all!

    Sticky baby dust to you!

  3. please come back and tell us the results !

    goodluck xx

  4. good luck to u and don't give up...  

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