
Pregnant? (Fast & easy 10 points)?

by  |  earlier

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My hubby and I have been TTC for 8 months! So i Think* the first day of my last period was July 19th & i KNOW i got off the 26th ever since then we've been TTC so yes, we had s*x on my fertile days. Also monday & tuesday i put my legs in the air and a pillow under my bottom after s*x & stayed like that for about 40 mins i have a good feeling I'm pregnant but then again I could be making myself believe that.

I haven't really had any weird pregnancy signs except about 5 days after i got off my period i had BAD cramping off and on and ive never had cramps like that. A little nausea and sleeping a little more that actually just hit me today.

Do you think I have a good chance of being pregnant? I'm scared to take a test im scared i'll get a BFN :/

Also I checked yesterday, my cervix with my middle finger ( I had to stick it all the way in & i felt it & when I pulled it out there was white discharge on my finger) so is that low or high? its kind of soft...? today Im having A LOT of discharge and my cervix are hard. & my belly is hard.

Sorry if thats TMI im just dien to be pregnant! Lol.

Oh and my period should be here today or tomorrow.

Thanks all.




  1. your pregnant

  2. yep ur prego

  3. Sounds like you have a good chance especially with the high cervix and discharge you are still having.

  4. Hard to tell but if you've been trying for 8 months with no result i would consider see a fertility doctor. Then again there are other factors like deep and shallow penetration try having s*x "doggy style" or like a scissor position. or great idea with the pillow. I personally took baby tylenol and vitex once a day and got preg in 1 month we were trying for 4 years soooo we finally got it and I'm 32 weeks

  5. hi take a test you can get early pregnancy tests which will show up by now its too early for any changes to your body but my preg test came up positive alomst a wk before i was due and it was just a cheap one i brought off ebay the ine was very faint but there but then i got a wk of negs but am df pregnant so good luck we tried for 5 months last time and have a cute 4 month old and we thought wed start trying again so wed get pregnat around end of yr but nope happened first month of trying  

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